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Current Affairs and News from Naggulu Catholic Parish


Secretary / Omuwandiisi

i. To be ever one with the Ssabakristu especially in monitoring and following upon the implementations of what has been decided on in Pastoral Council Meetings.

ii. He/she is responsible for writing letters/notices announcing Pastoral Council meetings; for registering attendances, absences and apologies of Councilors in Council meetings: and, together with the Executive Committee, for drawing up Agenda from what have been presented by the lower level council. 

iii. He/she is responsible for proper recording of the deliberations of Council meetings, safe keeping of the records, circulating the minutes among the council members and for reading out the minutes during meetings. 

iv. He/she is responsible, together with the Chairman (Ssabakristu), to sign the approved minutes. 

v. In collaboration with the Chairman and the Parish Priest he/she shall make an annual report. 

vi. At the Basic Small Christian Community, the Secretary shall also be the Ow' Amawulire.

Sun 24, Sep 2023 11:09 am