Joy to the World, a Saviour is born!!!

Joy to the World, a Saviour is born!!!

Christmas time is here once again!  A time when we come together as one family to give thanks to God!

We share love, togetherness, peace and joy in totality, as we sing Alleluia!!!  to welcome the new born child in our midst. Let us open our hearts to receive Him, extend this love to the disadvantaged in our community, open our doors to welcome the needy and challenged into our homes! It is indeed a season of great joy.

On behalf of the Parish Council and on my own behalf, allow me to convey our warm greetings to you all, at this special time of Christmas. May the new born child be a source of  light in our lives and may we extend this light to our brothers and sisters through our peaceful and loving actions!

We give thanks to God for our Parish, and for all that he has enabled us to achieve through the year, not forgetting the various challenges faced, but as believers we know that He remains good and mighty in all situations.

I take this opportunity to thank our Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Godfrey Kyeyune, his Curates Rev. Fr. Peter Byangwa and Rev. Fr. Joseph Kaseeta, our Head Catechist Madam Immaculate Namakula and team, the Parish Council members; the Parish Staff and all Parishioners for your dedicated service to God through our Parish, may the Almighty God bless each one of you.

Allow me to welcome in a special way the newly elected Parish Leaders for the period 2017-2020, thank you for your selfless offer to serve God; we seek His mercy and guidance as we carry out our responsibilities in the respective departments, in order for us to fulfill our evangelization mission.

We sometimes get caught up in the materialistic details of Christmas, and pay a lot of attention to the food, drink, parties, new outfits, detail, which is very much in order; however, we also need to embrace the deeper meaning of Christmas! Christ is the reason for the season, and therefore, may our lives be deeply touched and transformed by God’s love as we extend peace, joy, love, togetherness, respect and forgiveness to our brothers and sisters.

During this festive season, kindly take a moment and reflect on His birth, the meaning of Christmas which will help us rediscover the glory of the season. Let us cleanse our souls from the burdens we carry, we cannot please everyone all the time, but we can surely try to please God!

Wishing you all and your families, Christmas joy and a New Year filled with new blessings of God’s goodness.


Margaret Sheila Matovu

Chairperson – Head of the Laity

Wed 27, Dec 2017 15:12 pm