St. Jude Thaddeus Devotion

Doing it the Grassroots way

The Head of the Lay Apostolate Movements Department, Ms Florence Kyomugisha, has revived the Association of St. Jude Thaddeus in Naggulu Parish.

Not all who have a devotion to St Jude are members of St. Jude Association just as not all who are devoted to Our Lady are members of the Legion of Mary. Neither does it mean that all Parishioners of Our Lady and St. Jude Parish are automatically members of the Association. One has to choose to be a member, register and get a membership card. 

The Association has been in limbo for some time. When Florence was elected to head the Parish Department of the Lay Apostolate Movements, she put the revival of the Association of St. Jude, top on the list of “things to do” during the first year of her term.

She called a meeting of the Association and only three turned up! She was disappointed but not deterred. The next meeting she called, raised the attendance to five, then seven……… and now she has over forty members. They meet every second Sunday of the month at 8:30 a.m. (after the 7:00 a.m. Mass).

The members are preparing to make a grand re-entrance on the stage of active Lay Movements very soon.

Success to you Florence and all the members of the Association.


Tue 24, Apr 2018 08:04 am