Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ of the Naggulu, Our Lady and St. Jude Family,

At this special time of the year, we celebrate the coming of our Saviour, who came into our world in the humblest of circumstances and was welcomed in the first place by poor shepherds who were the first to be told about the good news! “Today in the town of Bethlehem a Saviour is born to you, who is Christ the Lord” Luke 2:11

Christmas greetings to you wherever you are today, every family has their own special way of marking Christmas, their own traditions which are often handed down from our parents or grandparents. Irrespective of our different traditions, we are still united as one Naggulu Parish Family in remembering and celebrating the birth of Christ our Saviour.

Christmas, is a family time, where all families come back home to be together for the feast. It therefore, reminds us that families are important for our own wellbeing and for the society we live in. They nourish us, support us and give us a sense of belonging. The family is also the primary cell of the Church, the place where faith is nurtured and grows in us, for that reason it is sometimes called the domestic Church.

Because families are important, homes are very important too and should always be graced with peace and love. Without a home it is very hard to have a family life, therefore, as we celebrate Christmas this year, let us think about our brothers and sisters living on the streets of Kampala who have not had a chance to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, because they have no homes to turn back to! The tens of thousands who are living in dire poverty, the displaced brothers and sisters due to various reasons, to mention but a few.

Let us also remember and pray for the many families who have lost their dear ones, especially our parishioners, due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, in the past year, and especially those who couldn’t mark their passing as they would have loved due to the restrictions, may their souls rest in eternal peace!

For Christians, Christmas challenges us to open our hearts and our homes in compassion to those who are in need, the grieving, the sick, the homeless, and the refugees. Christmas makes them feel lonelier and isolated than ever, hence, the need to share love and comfort with them.

I believe no Christmas message would be complete without a plea for humility which is the key to God’s heart. Let us strive to maintain humility, peace in our hearts, homes, communities, places of work and the entire country, by avoiding actions that disrupt peace.

I also wish to take this opportunity, to say a word of thanks to our Priests Rev. Fr. Joseph Mary Bbuye, Rev. Fr. Ignatius Mbaziira and Rev. Fr. Jude Kyekulidde for the great pastoral work you do in our Parish, thank you so much and may the good Lord continue to guide you.

Our Catechists, the Parish Administration/Support team, our Parish Volunteers, the Parish Council, and to you all dear parishioners, as well as friends of Naggulu Parish, who have contributed so generously towards the running of our Parish, in terms of prayers, advise, finances, and social support, may the good Lord bless the work of your hands.

Let 2022 be a year of increased faith, peace and love for one another, forgiveness, honesty, integrity, reconciliation, repentance, hard work and commitment in our respective callings by God, as we continue to develop our Parish spiritually, socially and economically.

May our Patron Saints, Mother Mary of Perpetual Succour and St. Jude Thaddeus continue to intercede for each one of us throughout the New Year!

Wishing you all a peaceful and memorable Christmas day, and may the joy of Christ’s birth embrace you and your families with abundant love, peace, joy and hope.

Please keep safe and mindful about the Covid-19 pandemic as well your personal security during this festive season.

Much Love and prayers,

Margaret Sheila Matovu

Sat 25, Dec 2021 00:12 am