Greetings dear Parishioners of Our Lady and St Jude Naggulu Parish and all people of God.

We are undergoing a challenging time where we cannot congregate together and pray to our Lord due to restrictions caused by the Covid 19 Pandemic. We have lost some of our Parishioners, many of us have lost loved ones and by God’s Grace others are recovering though this stage also needs serious management. The Good Samaritans offer condolences to all who have been affected in one way or another and we pray to the Lord for His mighty blessings.

We have come to you in thanksgiving for all the support we receive from you Parishioners that enables us to look after the needy people in our community. During this lock-down we have been able to supply food stuffs to 115 parishioners who are in dire need. We specifically convey our appreciation to the families of Mrs. Betty Ocwet, Dr. Vinand Nantulya and Mrs Nkurukenda for their overwhelming financial support. We also thank those people who in their own volition directly offer financial and physical support to some people in our community.

To the members of the Good Samaritan Ministry of the Parish, thank you for the extra effort you put in ensuring that the Ministry accomplishes its responsibilities. This is calling that you have done quite well and please continue. Our members take extra responsibility to know the people in their communities which enables us to care for those in need.

Being a Good Samaritan is one of the best ways of evangelization and in particular fulfills Jesus commandment of loving our neighbour.  We therefore call upon you for your support whether in kind by offering food stuffs; or financially to cater for the needs and requirements of the ministry in looking after the poor and/or physically join the Ministry. We visit the sick, the vulnerable, the poor, the physically handicapped, and all in any kind of need. We also carry out counseling when approached.

Any kind of Support to the needy may be channeled through the leaders of the Ministry, the Priests and our Centenary Bank account,


ACCOUNT NUMBER: 3620600001

Tobit 12: 8 “Prayer and fasting are good, but better than either is alms giving accompanied by righteousness.”

We thank you all and pray to the Lord for your good health and financial stability.

For and on behalf of the Good Samaritan Ministry.


Wed 28, Jul 2021 11:07 am