I welcome you all to Palm Sunday which marks the beginning of the Holy Week. In this most solemn week of the liturgical year, a week we can refer to as the most important week of the year, we witness the total self-giving of Jesus.

We join him on Palm Sunday as he triumphantly enters into Jerusalem and is welcomed, and acclaimed as the one who comes in the name of the Lord. On Holy Thursday we sit with him at the table and receive his gift of himself in the Eucharist and also thank him for giving us the Sacrament of Holy Orders. From the table, we follow him to the Garden of Olives and stay with him as he struggles with fear and anxiety about the cruel death that he is about to undergo. On Good Friday we stand at the foot of the cross with Mother Mary and the beloved disciple, and see him ‘drink’ the fourth cup then hear him say: “It is finished” as he bows and gives his spirit back to the Father.

Come Holy Saturday and we go to the tomb where we remain silent as we remember our sinful ways for which he died. Later, we walk from the darkness of all this to the light of the bright Easter fire and proceed with the Paschal candle representing Christ the light now risen to light up our lives.

Have a good Holy Week and rise with Jesus on Easter Sunday: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!





Sat 04, Apr 2020 15:04 pm