1st   January,   the   beginning      of another year,   calls   for   lots   of  celebrations around the world in the many countries, including our mother land Uganda, that use the Gregorian Calendar. As we know the Gregorian calendar gets   its  name  from   Pope Gregory XIII who introduced it in 1582.
When, as is the case this year, this day is a Sunday (the Day of the Lord) it makes me wish to call upon all people of good will to make a resolution that we shall do all we can to make the whole of the year — one of the Lord. We will recall that the last time we celebratedNew Year's Day on a Sunday was 2012 and it will happen again in 2023.

Liturgically Catholics celebrate New Year's Day as the Solemnity of Mary mother of God. I therefore wish all the reacts of my column, a joyful Solemnity of Mary mother of God, gracious Day of the Lord and a happy new year. At the same time I request you to reflect with me upon some events of last year and look ahead to the future's possibilities.

Thank you

My reflection upon the year that has been, begins with those two words 'thank you'. There are so many of us in this Parish of Our Lady and St. |ude; people of all walks of life from all corners of Uganda and beyond. Men and women of all trades and occupations, ranging from: CEOs of big companies to night guards of some small premises; members of the Uganda Police force to local Government employees; business men

and women who regularly fly to Dubai, China, the UK and other countries abroad for their transactions to tomato, matooke, charcoal or vegetable vendors along the road somewhere. Small families of four or five living in two storied houses to large families with an un specified number of relatives living in two "mizigos"(rented rooms), just to mention some.

However, in spite of all the aforementioned, we have been coming to our church to celebrate together as a family the Eucharist and other liturgical functions. We have tirelessly contributed, what each one of us could, towards the continuation of pastoral and developmental activities in Naggulu Parish. So I say thank youl First to God and then to you all fellow parishioners; thank you, thank you......

Some milestones in 2016

A key milestone was the celebration of our parish Day with His Grace Archbishop C. K. Lwanga under the theme: walking the path of God's mercy together. I remember with appreciation how each community organized itself and prepared lunch for its members. One could literally feel the spirit of unity in diversity moving within our multi cultural communities!

Then there was the unprecedented celebration of the 3rd Novena to St. lude (Oct. 19th-27th), with each day of the Novena allocated to a category of devotees and non devotees alike. Unity in diversity was again seen in action as the novena progressed. Unforgettable was the celebration of the Feast of Ss Simon and |ude (Oct. 28th) at the end of the Novena! Bishop ). B. Kaggwa of Masaka and his Diocese leading the celebrations, the couples that made their marriage vows and the huge congregation we had not seen recently on this feast; all made the reality of unity in diversity clearly visible!

On the side of all agents of evangelization, the Parish council led by our Ssaabakristu Mrs. M. S. Matovu was another source of encouragement to all the parishioners through the implementation of departmental work plans, at least those which had made some.

A committee that was very active through out the year, is the Finance Committee steered by our Treasurer Mr. J. L. Musoke, This committee sat every week to handle our Parish finances and saw to it that1 the Parish continued to function.

The Liturgy Department which sat every month to make sure that our parish activities rotated around the heart of every Catholic Parish namely Liturgy is worth mentioning.

More milestones, for example concerning the city project and the development committee activities and reflection on future possibilities will follow in our subsequent issues. Meanwhile I wish you all a grace filled, prosperous and happy new year.

Tue 10, Jan 2017 08:01 am