Dear Parishioners,

Welcome to another week. What a week we’ve just ended! Of course it has not been far different from the other weeks of these Covid-19   pandemic times. But a number of sad and joyful things have happened close to us as Naggulu Pariah Community, which are worth mentioning.

On Saturday 25th July, as we were preparing to begin the week, our Choir Director Mr. Charles Dickens Awany and Ms Victoria Awono a chorister of the Evangelical Choir, were married in Holy Matrimony at St. James Bbiina Parish. We reported this in our issue of 26/07/2020. I once again say congratulations Charles and Victoria.  May God bless your married life today, tomorrow and many, many years to come.

Then we celebrated the birthday of a very young youth patron, Marcella Ocwo on Wednesday 29th July. I pray for you Madam Patron that you continue celebrating many other birthdays. May God protect you from the  Corona virus and all evils threatening our lives today.

On a sad note, on that same day, we lost Mr. James Genza, a member of our community (from St. Kizito) who has been battling with a heart related condition for some time. May he rest in eternal  peace and may his family be consoled by the faith we all share, which makes us hope that one day we shall all be together singing “hosanna in the highest” in the heavenly kingdom.

Friday 30th July, dawned with our “CHURCH PROJECT TEAM” channel, awash with Feast Day best wishes to Rev. Fr. Ignatius Mbaziira. He was celebrating the feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola, his patron saint. I add my voice to the many in wishing you Father Mbaziira, God’s blessings in your ministry. Like St. Ignatius of Loyola, may you bring many to Jesus and be a sign of God’s mercy to all of us as we meditate on these words: "What will it profit a man to gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"

What a week! On the political scene, politicians seem to be more restless than ever. We here of aspirants for political positions filling in forms for this or that positions. They want to be nominated and go out to canvass for votes. Men and women are busy strengthening their positions in their parties, while others are crossing from one party to another; and all are saying that they are doing this not for themselves but to be of service to their fellow brothers and sisters. Oh, that is wonderful!!

 More blessed to give than to receive

There was the beggar who sat at the temple gate every day, begging for his living. One day he heard that the King was coming to the Temple and he was all excited, sure that the king would give him enough alms so he wouldn’t have to beg any more. He eagerly awaited the arrival of the king but when the king came, the King did a strange thing. Instead of giving alms, he begged for alms himself. Perplexed, the beggar put his hand into his bag and reluctantly puts a few grains of rice into the king’s hands. Thanking him, the king departed, putting back to the beggar’s bag the grains he received, much to the disappointment of the beggar. At the end of the day the beggar returned home frustrated. But when he poured out the contents of his bag to check his day’s collection, to his great surprise, he discovered a few grains of gold among the rice. How he wished he had given more to the king! (Ravindra Nath Tagore; quoted by Fr. Botelho).(http://frtonyshomilies.com/) Fr. Tony

In the midst of all this, the words of Jesus are still relevant today as they were when he fed the thousands. “….give them something to eat yourselves”. Whatever we go through everyday, we are called upon to get out those five loaves and two fish from our stores, and feed the thousands.  Then every week will become meaningful to all of us as we become givers and not receivers.






Sat 01, Aug 2020 14:08 pm