Dear parishioners of Our Lady and St. Jude Parish Naggulu,

Most of you have participated in the liturgy of the Easter Triduum through Television. Unthinkable! Those are the times we are living in. On Good Friday, you must have seen a cross covered with a red cloth being held up at the entrance of the nave (the area for the congregation). Part of the cross was unveiled and the following was proclaimed by the celebrating priest: “Behold the Wood of the Cross on which hung the salvation of the world,” the same was repeated at the center of the church; and in the front just before you enter the sanctuary. Then the very few participants came up to venerate the cross that brought us salvation. The congregation responded: “Come let us adore”  (Of course we know this from our annual celebration of Good Friday, only this time we were just watching it).

On Easter Vigil,  the Easter Candle was brought into the darkened church. It’s light illuminating the church.  In the same three places where the cross was unveiled, the priest proclaimed: “Light of Christ,” and the very few present responded, “Thanks be to God.” _______The One who hung upon the cross has brought light to a world suffering in its own darkness.

I would like to wish you a Happy Easter. I know that in the present situation here and all over the world, this may sound ridiculous (a Happy Easter?). Yes, it is the reality of life  yesterday, today and tomorrow. The symbolism of the cross and Candle I have just referred to above, brings out the picture of this life of ours. As we walk in the valleys of darkness, along comes Jesus Christ the light of the world  and shines his light among us, so we can walk along the path that leads to eternal happiness without getting lost.

Therefore again I say, Happy Easter! Although we are going through tough times, we hope for better times ahead, because our Lord accepted to shoulder all our troubles when he carried his cross and was crucified on it. On that cross hung the salvation of the world. On that cross hung your life and mine. From the cross came the candle, which shone in the darkness of our. The same one who was crucified, is the one who lights our world…. Because of his Resurrection, we too are assured of our resurrection.

Remember the symbolism; the three places where the cross was revealed are the three places where the Light of Christ is proclaimed.  In a real sense, those are two aspects of one act.  Joining Christ on the Cross, suffering with Him, results in living in His Light.

Today when all of us are in pain in some way or other, but most especially because of the threat of Covid-19; instead of focusing on ourselves, let us unite our pain to Jesus’ pain. Our concern is for others.   Our own suffering, which could turn us into ourselves, instead, through the grace of God, leads us to care for those hurting more than us.  This is how our union with the Lord on the Cross become our union with His Light, our union with His Life.  Good Friday and Easter Sunday are manifestations of God’s Love for us and our love for God. We need to unite the crosses to the candle. 

Finally, I would like to thank you all for being there for us here at the church. We have received lots of support from many of you, both materially and spiritually. Thank you very much for your concern for your priests. We shall continue to pray for you that we all get out of these hard times feeling stronger.

Have a blessed Easter.


Sat 18, Apr 2020 12:04 pm