My dear parishioners of Naggulu Parish and all devotees to St. Jude Thaddeus, I cordially greet you; the Lord is risen “Alleluia!, Alleluia!”  As your newly appointed Pastor , today I feel very joyful that I am communicating to you through this platform for the first time.

It was on the 01st of February 2021 when I officially stepped on the soils of Naggulu Parish as the newly appointed Parish Priest taking over from my immediate predecessor the late Rev. Fr. Godfrey Kyeyune, Snr (RIP). May he rest in eternal peace. I would like to thank you all for the warm welcome that you accorded me that evening. 

I wish to appreciate my predecessors, both living and deceased for their dedication to serving and growing  of Naggulu Parish in all aspects. It is because of their selfless and tireless efforts that Naggulu Parish is what it is today. For those that have passed on to the next life, may they share in the life after with the risen Lord.

Today, is exactly two months and four days since I assumed office. It has been a time to learn and study how things are done around here and I am still learning. Among the things I am supposed to lead is the construction of the new church. I wish to thank each one of you for your continued contributions, i.e., financial, technical and prayers. May the Almighty God richly bless you all. I have faith and confidence that through the intercession of our Patron Saints; Our Lady of Perpetual Help and St. Jude Thaddeus, we shall accomplish this project successfully.

Our Lenten journey, and all the ceremonies of the three Great Days of our faith, the Paschal Triduum, are now behind us. Let us rejoice and be glad, not because we have finally come to the end of a period of mortification and self-discipline, but because we now see more clearly what the suffering, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ brings to all who share in it. By dying he has destroyed our death and by rising restored our life. Death has no power over Him anymore and by extension, it cannot subdue us, His followers.

Naggulu Parish is a multicultural Parish. May the presence of the risen Lord in our midst cement our appreciation of one another, bring to the fore the numerous gifts found in every culture and help us to build a vibrant and united Parish. United with Mother Mary and St. Jude, may we remain strong in faith.

I and my brother Priests here at Naggulu wish you all a happy and blessed Easter.


Sun 04, Apr 2021 11:04 am