In the booklet “OBUTUME BW’OMUKATOLIKI MU SSAZA LY’E KAMPALA,  2006” Chapter XVI, G. 5; the Synod gives the following policy:

“Let there be twinning of Parishes in the Archdiocese with the aim of establishing a mutual relationship for the betterment of both.”

Naggulu Parish was twinned (by the Archdiocesan authorities) with Naddangira Parish, found in Kakiri-Wakiso District. This has been nominal until steps were taken to put it in practice; and on Saturday 24/8/2019 a team of 15 Naggulu Parish Leaders made a trip to Naddangira to officially sit down with our twin brother/sister and see how our relationship will be, firmly established, strengthened and driven.

The Team from Naggulu included, just to mention a few; the Parish Priest, the Vice Ssaabakristu and Chair of the Development Comm. Mr. Michael Ssebalu, the Parish Administrator Mr. Albert Olupot, the Secretary to the Parish Council Mr. Michael Mawerere, the Youth Leader Mr, Erickson Odama, the ICT Officer Mr. Gilbert Akampa. Sr. Namakula Imm. The head Catechist and the Leader of Communication Mr. Joseph Aruma.

At our twin brother/sister’s place we were warmly welcomed by a team that was led by the Parish priest, Rev. Fr. Caesar Matovu. Others just to mention some were Ssaabakristu, “Ssabasomesa” and the leader of CWG.

The story of what took place during the over three hours we spent there will be told on another day. Today we can only point out that the meeting of the twins was enlightening, profitable and successful. We were given a VI.P. welcome and well entertained. The future of our relationship is very bright.


Today I would like to say something about twinning. This is not a Kampala Archdiocese  invention but something that happens in a number of Catholic Diocese around the world. It is usually between Parishes in Urban areas with rural parishes.

Reasons for the twinning are numerous, I will mention the following:  to build a mutual relationship between people of the two parishes; to promote justice and peace; to share the faith journeys in our Lord as experienced by people from different parts of the particular Diocese, learn from each other worship styles as experienced by people who live in different social environments and developing joyful friendship with each other. Since Jesus came to save us body and soul, areas where the twins can help one another to live a better life socially, economically, heath wise etc… are also looked into.

Care must be taken not to misunderstand twinning as one twin going out to impose his/her way of life on the other. For example an urban parish trying to change a rural Parish (or vice versa) to have a lifestyle similar to theirs. It is also very important that the economic part, although it is not to be neglected, should not be the first and main issue to address.

Before we left Naddangira we agreed to put in place a committee comprising of representatives from each side. Naddangira named theirs right away and Naggulu promised to do so as we travelled back home, which we did. This committee will deal with the necessary issues concerning our  twinning. It will then report to the two parishes through the official parish channels.

Long live Naddangira, long live Naggulu. May our twinning make us stronger and more resilient Christians.


Tue 17, Sep 2019 11:09 am