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Current Affairs and News from Naggulu Catholic Parish



The 82-year-old Bishop Emeritus of Lugazi, Matthias Ssekamaanya, surprised many who are used to waiting for Main Celebrants for hours, by arriving over an hour to the beginning of Mass on 14.07.2019. This Main Celebrant was in the area to lead the Mass for the closing of the second annual solemn novena to St. Jude!

At the appointed time of 10:15 a.m., we were at the graves of Msgrs. J.B. Kanyi and A. K. Kamya, for a brief prayer service and laying of wreaths to the tombs of each one of them.

Many thanks to the family of Mr. and Mrs. Narcis Byarugaba who cleaned the tombs days earlier and also brought wreaths for this ceremony, although they were caught up by time. May God reward their good corporal works of mercy; one of which as we know is: “bury the dead”.

The Bishop led the Mass well within reasonable time. The Choir that led the singing during the liturgy came from Kampala Archdiocese St. Jude Devotion.

In his homily, he urged Devotees of St. Jude:

1. To be like the Good Samaritan and not pass by when their brothers and sisters are in trouble. They should show their love for one another by helping them in their physical but mostly spiritual problems. Let them not look aside but approach them and offer all the assistance they can. :

2. He also stressed fidelity in our lives, in families and other vocations. He castigated men for being unfaithful in their marriages and for keeping on postponing  the Sacrament of Matrimony. When asked whether this was so, women responded that it is (whether this is the case or not, I do not know). But when the men were asked to defend themselves, there was a muffled response!!

3. Turning to devotees in general, he decried the present practice of going back to “ebyaffe” the wrong way; that is going back to idolatry, “Balongo” and devil worshipping. He counseled that St. Jude would like to see his devotees follow the path of Christ not of the evil one.

4. Lastly he reminded the devotees to always remember Msgr. Bonaventure Sserunkuuma, who was attacked here and severely injured with a machete during one of the Novenas, and became blind until his death, R.I.P.

Mr. Ssebalu, Vice Chairman of the Building Committee, gave a brief about the construction of our New Church. Much of the information can be found in our 65th anniversary and Parish Day Celebrations Magazine pp. 10 - 11.

The day ended with Lunch. According to the donor of our Lunch, during the March and July Novenas, such “Light Lunch” of pilao should be the order of the day and spare the feasting for the 28th October Feast. I did not stick around to see how the “Light Lunch” was served, I do not yet know who ate something and who did not!

One thing I am sure of is this: we successfully ended our novena, the conclusion ably handled by Bishop Emeritus of Lugazi, Matthias Ssekamaanya. We thank the Lord for a good weather and for the Holy Spirit who guided us throughout the nine days and made the final day a real climax of all we did.

Meanwhile let us go back and prepare the October Novena well. Till we meet.


Fri 02, Aug 2019 11:08 am

Naggulu Parish 65th Anniversary

Naggulu Parish 65th Anniversary

Wed 19, Jun 2019 10:06 am




07:30 am: Liturgy Committee members assemble at church.

08:00 am: Parishioners assemble in the Gardens.

09:30 am: Procession participants gather in front of the church.

10:00 am: Procession begins                

12:30  pm: Concluding activities by C.O.C.

Beloved Parishioners,

This is our day. It is the day that the Lord has made; let  us be glad and rejoice in it!

Let us come and give thanks to God who has been with our Parish every second  of her life for the last 65 years.

Let us organize ourselves as individuals, families, groups, Catholic Movements such as Legio Mariae, St. Jude’s Devotion Asc. etc….) and come with thanksgiving gifts next Sunday. Your gift doesn’t have to be big.

It is that cheerful heart with which you give, as you give thanks for our 65 years as a Parish, that God loves so much.

Fr. Godfrey Kyeyune



Tue 11, Jun 2019 09:06 am



Dear  people  of God,  it is with  exceeding  joy  that  we,  members   of the  Parish Council  of Naggulu, greet  you with  the  words  of the  Risen  Christ,  Peace be with you! the  same words which  he  pronounced  when  he  first  appeared   to  his  disciples  on the  evening  of the Resurrection!

This greeting  “Peace  be with  you”, was said three  times  by the  Risen Christ to his disciples, and each  time  Jesus greeted  them  with  these  words  he sought  to reassure  them when faced with a particular  threat.   

The above has implications  for each one of us;  as individual  Christians,  Christ’s  message of peace should  calm our personal  anxieties  and fears;  it should  assure  us that  we are able to rise above disappointments  and past  failures.   It should enable us to forgive ourselves, to forgive those who have hurt us and also seek to be reconciled with those we might have offended.

The message of Easter is equally relevant to us as Parishioners of Naggulu, it should give us the assurance that we are able to overcome every challenge we meet in our daily lives, if we look up to Jesus as our personal Saviour. The message of PEACE  encourages   us to put  an end to all immoral behavior,  it is a time  to turn  our backs to dishonesty,   indecency,   bribery   and corruption,  indiscipline,   disrespect   for  one another, gossip, domestic  violence and vengeance. 

This message  of Easter  must  help  us to turn  our efforts  in healing  the wounds  of division, reconciling  broken  families,   reuniting communities,    settling    disputes    among   people   of different   political   persuasions    and religious  faiths.  The message of the Risen Christ is not just his message to us; it is also our message to one another

Let us all embrace Peace, love of our neighbor, reconciliation and forgiveness; it has been a spiritually reflective journey of 40 days, culminating into Easter today! But it should not stop at that, we need to walk this same journey throughout our daily lives, stepping up our faith, through prayer, repentance and receiving the sacraments. But it is also very important to ensure that our faith is complimented and backed by kind hearts and acts of charity.

We cannot forget to thank our adorable Priests, led by our Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Godfrey Kyeyune, his Curates, Rev. Fr. Peter Byangwa and Rev. Fr. Joseph Kaseeta for always feeding our souls, most especially during this 40 days journey as we strive to open clean and fresh pages in our lives.

We wish to thank you so much for spiritually nourishing and guiding our souls to the great glory! We thank all the parishioners who individually participated in the special Church programmes during this time. We wish to thank our Catechist Sr. Immaculate Namakula and her team  selfless the Administrative staff, for their selfless support to the Clergy, the Good Samaritan Ministry who have visited, and comforted our sick and disadvantaged parishioners, the Parishioners who supported the Good Samaritans Ministry with finances and various items, the team that cleaned and beautifully decorated our Church. Thank you, Thank you to all of you and may God continue to bless you!

Once again, we say “Peace  be with  you!” and enjoy the Easter festive season!

Margaret Sheila Matovu: Ssabakristu, Naggulu Parish

Fri 26, Apr 2019 15:04 pm


Happy Easter you all

Alleluia Alleluia! 

He is risen as He said, Alleluia!

As usual on these special days of our Catholic Calendar, I bring you best wishes, happy celebrations and every thing spiritually good that our Creator gives to all who open their hearts to be filled up.

After that I normally find some light material to spice up the spirit of the particular Day or Season, and that is what I am about to do.

I have a couple of light material, all from Nature and I will begin with this one:


You know my condition! These days when I am coming out of the “low side” of my health, — you remember my admission to UMC hospital —- I have a place in the back yard of our presbytery where I sit and admire the palm tree that is next to the “uni-port” used by the Legion of Mary and Charismatic Renewal Prayer Group. You know, that one between our garages and the Parish Hall. Mind you, from my vantage position, although I can only see the upper part of the tree, it is good enough for me.

Now throughout the Lenten Season, I’ve been keeping an eye on the top most branch of the tree. All the time, that thing appeared like a long finger pointing straight to the heavens. Every day I would look at it and thank God for that palm tree, because it was a reminder to me that “up there” (figuratively of course) in the heavens, where that long finger was pointing, sits upon the throne: The Holy one, the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come (Revelation 4:8ff). And Jesus, the Lamb that was slain; —— (who together with the One who sits upon the throne be praise and honor and glory and power forever and ever! Rev. 5:13)”  —- wanted me, during this Lent, to do everything I can to remove the heavy burdens that might prevent me from getting to where the long finger was pointing. Day in day out I watched the long finger!

Then came Palm Sunday (7/4/2019), the day we started Holy Week, to commemorate and participate in the events of  the Lamb's last week on the journey that ended in hi s passion, death and resurrection. You know what? The long finger that was pointing upwards, decided to do what most Christians were doing! It opened itself (see photo) and as it were, was waving its branch and joining us in singing: “Hosanna to the Son of David, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, the King of Israel: Hosanna in the highest.”(Mt 21:9)

Yes, it is a simple natural thing for a palm branch to open itself and eventually dry up and fall off. But the TIMING here made a great impact to me. All Lent, it has been a long spear-like finger pointing heavenwards,  on Palm Sunday while we are waving its brothers/sisters branches in its neighborhood, it also chooses to wave along with us? God is great!

That made me spend my Palm Sunday as a day to praise our God in a more reflective way; this God of ours  who reveals himself in many ways. Hope you had your own “thing” that made your Palm Sunday special and different from that of last year.

The palm tree has as usual grown another spear-like long finger again pointing heavenwards. Well, isn't He risen from the Dead and will be seen some time later, by his disciples disappearing up there in the crowds?

Fri 26, Apr 2019 15:04 pm



Thu 11, Apr 2019 15:04 pm



Fr. Joseph Kaseeta and the Good Samaritan team, visiting the needy in our communities during this Lenten season pastoral program.

Wed 10, Apr 2019 09:04 am



I would like to thank all of you parishioners and other people from elsewhere, for your support during the four days I was suddenly admitted at UMC Victoria Hospital. Thank you for your messages and prayers of get well soon.

The thing was unexpected, and the duration very much underestimated, that we cannot blame anyone for not letting people know, more so visit. Those who managed to know and came to see me, thank you. But I know the majority of you were praying for me, and that is more important than even a visit. Thank you.

Well 15th February, began like any other Friday here. Then we decided to go to the UMC Victoria hospital for a good up check of my sugar levels. I was worried about the high levels and the way I was generally feeling. I thought my Glucometer was playing me tricks, the readings were just too high!

All went well, their readings were as high as my readings. After giving a history of my condition to the doctor, they ordered me to the ER for some tests and “treatment”. After all had been said and done, the Dr. Discharged me and told me to report to the hospital the following morning for review.

It was while we were waiting at the reception, that the Lord’s hand took over! He wanted me to have some more time this side of the universe!

I am told that I began to sweat and breath very badly! I was unconscious. All I know is that I  was being whisked back to the ER, in a wheel chair, insisting that I was alright and that I had just been sleeping. They would not have this nonsense! Back on the bed, everybody saying that I was going no where, they just had to keep me under observation for the night. When the doctor, a very good and highly place gentleman, plus one of our Catholics here, who happens to work there as a cardiologist, said I was going no where, I bowed to them and silently said to the Lord, “You have a good reason for this, let it be!

A series of things began to unfold. I was put on oxygen to help my then short breathing, a decision was made to have a clot test and so many other tests. The clot test meant a trip to Nakasero hospital since the UMC hospital did not have the machinery for it.

In one day, a simple sugar test, ended in numerous medical tests, a ride in an ambulance and a breathing on those oxygen gadgets.

Please when you see those first moving ambulances, give way and throw in a prayer.

My sugar now is controlled, I am breathing on my own, and picking up my health. The Lord was in the driving seat, he wanted them to find out that I had clots developing. That wouldn’t had been so, if we had not gone for the imple sugar test.


Wed 13, Mar 2019 09:03 am




17/02/2019: Executive meeting at Ggayaaza.

02/03/2019: Novena begins in Parishes and at the National Shrine Naggulu.

Friday and Sat. 08 –09/ 03/2019: Lusirika (retreat) At Ggayaaza for all.

16/03/2019: Executive meeting at Kanyanya. Fro chairpersons,  Executives.

27/04/2019: Executive meeting at Kyengera.

18/05/2019: Lukiiko lwa Bonna at Nansana.;

TO BE CONTINUED…. But the following Date is very important for Nggulu Devotion:

17/08/2019: LUNAKU LWA BANNAKIBIINA at Naggulu.


Tue 19, Feb 2019 09:02 am

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Make your donations through our Payeasy platform

Greetings of love and gratitude to you all. Thank you for identifying yourself with Our Lady and St. Jude Parish Naggulu.


Tue 15, Jan 2019 15:01 pm

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