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Current Affairs and News from Naggulu Catholic Parish




Dear Parishioners,

Let me say it with the Psalmist:——- “Many, O LORD my God, are the wonders which You have done, And Your thoughts toward us; there is none to compare with You. If I would declare and speak of them, They would be too numerous to count  (Ps 40:5).

I hope we all see the many wonders THE LORD our God does in our lives everyday. Admittedly we are going through difficult times due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but that should not blind us to the numerous wonders of THE LORD our God in the universe.

That you are reading this, means you are still around. See the wonders God has done for you? Planning to make good use of the time He is giving you? There is a reason why he called home your neighbor and left you to continue struggling in this storm tossed world.


This Sunday I would like to touch on a point we dealt with some time back in the Parishioner but still disturbs many. The question of the direction of the figure of Christ on the cross, when the crucifix is placed on the Altar during Mass. The other day I saw two people almost “fighting” about this. One would make the figure of Christ face the people and the other would come and make it face the Altar. This went on until I stepped in and made it face the Altar; that ended the drama which was beginning to attract the attention of the congregation.

I am going to give a rather lengthy answer from a familiar Liturgist to those who read the Parishioner Liturgy column. This is Legionary of Christ Father Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy and sacramental theology and director of the Sacerdos Institute at the Regina Apostolorum university.

Q: I am writing to ask for some clarifications regarding the orientation of the cross if it is placed on a freestanding altar (Benedictine setting) in a versus populum Mass. Where should the corpus be facing? Is it toward the priest? Or toward the people? I saw in EWTN’s daily Mass that it is utilizing the Benedictine setting wherein the cross is placed on the altar and has a double corpus, one is facing the priest and the other facing the people. — J.G., Cebu, Philippines

(As I pointed out earlier, it is lengthy, you even have to turn to page 4, but the information is very important. Those who attended one of the Archdiocesan Liturgy Workshop here at Naggulu, will remember that this was one of the topics treated. Editor)   

A: The indications in the General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) are sparse regarding the direction of the figure of Christ on the cross. We have the following texts:

“117. […] Also on or close to the altar, there is to be a cross with a figure of Christ crucified. The candles and the cross adorned with a figure of Christ crucified may also be carried in the Entrance Procession. On the altar itself may be placed the Book of the Gospels, distinct from the book of other readings, unless it is carried in the Entrance Procession.

“122. On reaching the altar, the priest and ministers make a profound bow. The cross adorned with a figure of Christ crucified and perhaps carried in procession may be placed next to the altar (the bold letters are mine) to serve as the altar cross, in which case it ought to be the only cross used; otherwise it is put away in a dignified place .…

“188. In the procession to the altar, the acolyte may carry the cross, walking between two ministers with lighted candles. Upon reaching the altar, the acolyte places the cross upright near the altar so that it may serve as the altar cross; otherwise, he puts it in a worthy place. Then he takes his place in the sanctuary.

“308. There is also to be a cross, with the figure of Christ crucified upon it, either on the altar or near it, where it is clearly visible to the assembled congregation. It is appropriate that such a cross, which calls to mind for the faithful the saving Passion of the Lord, remain near the altar even outside of liturgical celebrations.”

“350. Furthermore, great attention is to be paid whatever is directly associated with the altar and the Eucharistic celebration, e.g., the altar cross and the cross carried in procession.”

It is worth noting that the text does not actually use the term “crucifix,” although this is clearly meant in Nos. 11, 122 and 308.

The document also allows this cross to be placed on or near the altar. There is no requirement that it be placed directly upon the altar itself.

The GIRM does underline that there should be only one altar cross. This is in line with the Church’s longstanding practice, although, before the liturgical reform, the whole assembly, priest and people, faced both altar and crucifix in the same direction and the rubrics at times directed the priest to look at the crucifix.

The custom of the single cross can also be seen from a decree of Pope Benedict XIV (1740-1758) which established that another cross was not necessary if a large crucifix was painted or sculptured as part of an altarpiece (Const. Accepimus, decr. 1270).

Although this decree is no longer operative, its principles could be applied to current situations such as that of a large crucifix, suspended from the ceiling or placed on the wall behind the altar.

It is well known that before becoming pope, Benedict XVI advocated the use of a sizable crucifix upon the altar itself as a means of establishing what he called a liturgical east or a means of focusing priest and faithful on the central mystery of redemption made present at Mass and symbolized by the crucifix.

During his pontificate, the presence of such a crucifix upon the altar became habitual at papal Masses, and the practice has continued under Pope Francis. The practice was briefly elucidated in 2009 by a communication from the office of the Master of Papal Liturgical Celebrations on the importance of the central location of the cross during the Eucharistic celebration.

Although occasionally there have been two crosses present at some papal Masses, especially outside of Rome, thus far no decree or other legal document has been promulgated instituting a change in legislation. Therefore, the norms of the GIRM that there should be one altar cross retain their validity and legal force.

Therefore, while respecting the unicity of the cross there are several legitimate options offered with respect to the location of the altar cross, and present legislation does not prefer one solution over another. Hence, the crucifix may be located on, next to, immediately behind or suspended above the altar (the bolding is mine). It should be visibly related to the altar as viewed by the people.

As Bishop Peter J. Elliott comments in his liturgy handbook, “The liturgical crucifix is not primarily for the private devotion of the celebrant but is a sign in the midst of the Eucharistic assembly proclaiming that the Mass is the same Sacrifice as Calvary.” Thus, strictly speaking, the altar crucifix is in relationship to the altar, and not just to the priest.

Since the cross is specifically related to the altar, the corpus is usually turned toward the altar during Mass.

The rubrics of the Ceremonial of Bishops in use before the conciliar reforms already foresaw the possibility of the altar versus populum. This book, while mandating that the cross be visible to all, also prescribed that the corpus be placed toward the altar (“cum imagine sanctissimi Crucifixi versa ad interiorem altaris faciem”).

In 1966 Notitiae issued a response to a query on this point given the novelty of the freestanding altars and the precise doubt as to what direction the corpus should face.

First, it recognizes the new situation that the former law no longer applies. Second, it says that it does not seem opportune either an altar cross so small as to be invisible nor one so large that it impedes the visibility of the rites.

Finally, it addresses the question of an altar cross not placed upon the altar. It says: “Separate from the altar there are three possibilities: placing the processional cross before the altar with the corpus facing the celebrant, although this does not always combine well with other elements of the sanctuary; a large cross hanging from the ceiling or placed upon the wall of the apse. In the two latter cases, another cross upon the altar is not necessary but a single large cross, which, in celebrations facing the people is not incensed first but when the priest, as he moves around the altar, faces both the cross and the altar.” Notitiae 2 (1966): 290-291, n.101. (unofficial translation).

With respect to the EWTN solution of having an altar crucifix designed with a figure on both sides: Although there do not seem to be present norms to forbid this practice, it was not permitted in earlier times. Some older liturgical manuals recommended the use of other images on the side of the cross facing the people, such as the fish symbol or even another image of the Redeemer such as the Good Shepherd or King of Kings.

When these suggestions were made, freestanding altars and Mass facing the people were exceptional. This is no longer the case, and I believe that the solution of the double crucifix is a legitimate option for today’s liturgy.


Throw them out?

The year was 1770, and in a small Italian church, two altar boys prepared for Benediction. Annibale Della Genga and Francesco Castiglioni entered the sacristy, put on their albs, and grabbed the heavy brass candlesticks. And then they began to bicker. Arguing over who would stand on the priest’s right for the procession, their quibble escalated into a shouting match. Alarmed parishioners turned their heads to the back of the Church to see the commotion, and that’s when it happened: Castiglioni cracked Della Genga over the head with his candlestick.
Blood dripped from Della Genga’s injury, and both boys began shoving each other. Shocked parishioners screamed, “Throw them out! Throw them out!” So, the embarrassed priest grabbed the boys, led them to the door, and tossed them out of the church.

Now fast-forward several decades to 1825. Half a million people gathered in Rome for the great Jubilee celebration. The Jubilee occurred every 25 years, and its grand climax was the opening of the Holy Door at St. Peter’s Basilica. Traditionally, the Pope would knock on the door three times with a large silver hammer and sing, “Open unto me the gates of justice!” On the third knock, the door would swing open, and the Pope would lead his people through. The symbolism was rich: pilgrims from all over the world coming back home to the Church, following their leader through the great porta fidei, the “door of Faith.” That Jubilee year, in front of thousands of pilgrims, Cardinal Della Genga made his way to the door. It was fifty-five years after the candlestick incident. Cardinal Della Genga who had become Pope Leo XII neared the door. Turning to the Cardinal beside him—Cardinal Castiglioni, the Pope said, “Let me have the hammer.” With a sly grin, Castiglioni replied, “Just like I gave you the candlestick?” Amazingly, four years later Castiglioni succeeded his friend and became Pope, taking the name Pius VIII. Now if you told any of those pew-sitters back in 1770 that they had two future-Popes in the back of their church, they’d have laughed you out of the building: “Those two boys? The ones shoving and whacking each other with candlesticks? Today’s Gospel gives us the good news that God can change even “weeds” to wheat and that we should be patient. (Rev Greg Willits quoted by Fr. Kayala in his blog). (Fr. Tony)



Sat 18, Jul 2020 15:07 pm



Dear friends of Our Lady and St. Jude  Parish, Naggulu,

Greetings and best wishes in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Today we are concluding our Second Solemn Novena to St. Jude. I thank God for taking us safely through the nine days. I also thank all who prayed with us on Radio Maria and our face-book page. May we be strengthened by St. Jude’s intercession. I know it shall be so since our God is a God whose love for us is everlasting and who is always by our side.

A good number of us have lost relatives and friends these last few days, including a regular member for our 7:00 am Mass, Bernadette Kariisa. May the Lord rest their souls in eternal peace. Because of our faith we hope to meet them when our time to leave this planet comes. Let us just continue to pray for them and ourselves.

Some devotees of St. Jude, in spite of our many announcements, requesting them not to come to Naggulu for the Novena Masses, came and wanted to participate in the Masses. I feel sorry for those we locked out. They may even blame us for doing that. Please remember that the Church, under the present circumstances, is not going to lead a civil obedience campain. We can show our dissatisfaction, and even continue to ask for the opening of places of worship; but under the circumstances, if the powers that be say no, then we shall wait! So my friends who were locked out, this was beyond us.


And now may I share with you this interesting joke from Fr. Tony Kadavil? It may teach us something.

Four brothers left home for college and became successful doctors and lawyers. Some years later, they had a reunion.   They chatted after having dinner together. They discussed the gifts they had been able to give their elderly mother who lived in a faraway city and decided to open their mother’s thank you letter to each.

The first said, “I had a big house built for Mama.”

The second said, “I had a hundred-thousand-dollar theater built in the house.”

The third said, “I had a Mercedes dealer deliver an SL600 to her.”

The fourth said, “You know how Mama loved reading the Bible, and you know she can’t read anymore because she can’t see very well? Well I met a preacher who told me about a parrot that can recite the entire Bible. It took twenty preachers 12 years to teach him. I had to pledge to contribute $100,000 to the church, but it was worth it. Mama just has to name the chapter and verse and the parrot will recite it.” The other brothers were impressed.

Then they solemnly opened the thank-you letters sent to them by their mom. Mama wrote:

“Milton, the house you built is so huge. I live in only one room, but I have to clean the whole house. Thanks anyway.”

“Michael, you gave me an expensive theater with Dolby sound, it could hold 50 people, but all my friends are dead, I’ve lost my hearing and I’m nearly blind. I’ll never use it. Thank you for the gesture just the same.”

“Marvin, I am too old to travel. I stay at home and I have my groceries delivered, so I never use the Mercedes. The thought was good. Thanks.”

“Dearest Gerald”, she wrote to her fourth son. “You have the good sense to know what your mother likes. I cooked the chicken you sent. It was absolutely delicious!”








Sat 11, Jul 2020 16:07 pm





Peace and blessings to all devotees of St. Jude Thaddeus in our beloved pearl of Africa, Uganda; Nangina Deanery in Kenya and beyond.

This Saturday, 4th July, we begin our 2nd Annual Solemn Novena to St. Jude. As we are aware, we shall not be able to congregate in our Shrine for the Masses and Novena prayers. A number of announcements have been made on Radio Maria to this effect. Let us participate in our Novena prayers from wherever we shall be; homes, places of work etc…. We have also reached out to all our chairmen in the different Dioceses, informing them of the same. PLEASE DO NOT COME TO NAGGULU FOR THE NOVENA!

We have made arrangements with Radio Maria to broadcast daily Novena Masses at 1:00 pm. So tune in to Radio Maria at that hour for the Eucharistic Celebration for the nine days. On the closing day (12th July), we hope to telecast the Mass on one of the Television Channels, we shall be letting you know which TV and when.


Although you cannot come to Naggulu, you can still send your Mass intentions to the Shrine. We shall pray for you. You can either come to the Parish Office and have your intentions recorded or you may send them to Rev. Fr. Ignatius Mbaziira on this number: 0779208556.

I wish you a blessed Novena. Please pray that this Covid-19 Pandemic may go away so that the children of God may go on with their normal lives.

Once again I remind you, DO NOT COME TO THE SHRINE FOR THE NOVENA MASSES. Just follow us on Radio Maria and the Parish Facebook page. God bless you all. And may St. Jude Thaddeus pray for us.


Rev. Fr. Godfrey Kyeyune

National Director.

Thu 02, Jul 2020 14:07 pm



Mr. Mugisha Robert of Kasangati and Miss. Awori Winnie of Kasangati.

Mr. Akiriza Edward of Naggulu and Miss Atuheire Ronah Maria Mbuya.

Sun 28, Jun 2020 16:06 pm



May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all!

First, I condole with all of you who have lost loved ones, and worse still we could not gather in the church to have requiem Masses for them due to the present situation. May you be comforted by the hope of everlasting life which we all share through our faith in the risen Lord. May I mention here, Patricia Atimango, the latest member of our community to departed from us. She was a regular active participator in the 1:00 pm daily Mass and the Thursday Evening Holy Hour. She was suddenly taken from us. May Patricia and all our other members of the community who have been called back to the Father, rest in eternal peace.  

Secondly, I rejoice with those of you who have been blessed in various ways. Some of your family ties have been strengthened because of spending more time together.  Some have been blessed with children, while others have recorded a number of material or spiritual blessings. May our loving God show us all, how to profitably use the blessings he has showered upon us.

Needless to say, a good number have come out with all sorts of challenges, from domestic violence to lack of basic human needs. As many tell us: “turn the challenges into opportunities!” Personally I would like to add; ‘make a deep reflection on these challenges and invoke the Holy Spirit to show you how to turn them into opportunities’.

While you are at it, remember that as Christians one of the ways we are called to live the Gospel, is through practicing hospitality. Welcome and assist  preachers, priests and indeed all your brothers and sisters (especially the needy) around you. In today’s world, where materialism and consumerism dominate our lives to the point of turning some of our homes into isolated fortresses with iron gates, intruder alarms, and surveillance cameras, it is becoming less and less possible to practice hospitability. We are getting more inclined to believe in competition, power, influence and success as the only things that matter. We are headed towards each one living their lives at the expense of others.  It is becoming more difficult for some to look beyond their gates and see if there are some people around them in real need.    

Mother Teresa of Calcutta used to say that the Gospel is written on ones fingers. She would then hold up her fingers, one at a time, and word per word say: “You-Did-It-To-Me. She would then add: “At the end of your life, your five fingers will either excuse you or accuse you of doing it unto the least of these.”

It should not be too difficult for us to have our five fingers excuse us instead of accusing us, at the end of our lives. For most of our backgrounds here, value hospitality! When I was growing up, it was the order of the day  for neighbors to exchange baskets of their harvest! A thirsty traveler would simply stop at any home and ask for some water to drink, and water would be offered without any questions asked!![Today some will say who knows they may poison you etc….]. Even if we may say that times have changed, the spirit behind hospitality will always remain the same. Whether it is the time of Elisha the prophet or toady.

It is that very Spirit that prompts a few of you these days to send a message containing some assistance to the Parish. I just see a message on my phone: “You have received 20.000= for parish upkeep, or 5,000= for offertory”. I know very well that it is not because these few people of God do not have a series of needs in their homes, but because they have the Spirit of hospitality. They have come to understand that: “whoever gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones in the name of a disciple, truly I tell you, none of these will lose their reward”.

Like the woman of Shunem (2 Kg 4:8ff), it is time to make a space for God in our lives.  She made physical space for the holy man of God. We are called to make space for Christ and his message in our lives. Question is:  “Where do I find this space?


Sun 28, Jun 2020 16:06 pm



Brethren of Naggulu Parish,

We are still following our Sunday Liturgy on Radios, Televisions, or Livestreaming. The powers that be continue to ignore the fact that in markets, car parks, taxi stages, on roads, in offices and other places of public gathering, people are not observing social distancing and a few other measures put forward to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus; they let them go on with their normal activities; but for places of worship, we are told that we must hold on because we are going to endanger others! Is Covid-19 selective? Does it bring out its teeth to bite, only in places of worship? Well, last Sunday I said, I would not waste my time arguing about opening or not opening our places of worship; let those two questions suffice. Time will tell, but no one can prevent me from meditating on the mysteries of my Salvation; there I am not locked down.

Today we are celebrating one of those great mysteries: The Most Holy Trinity [The Father, Son and Holy Spirit]. We are celebrating a basic doctrine of Faith in Christianity, understandable not with our heads but with our hearts: three distinct Persons in one God, sharing the same Divine Nature, co-equal and co-eternal. We celebrate: ‘one plus one plus one equals one’. To our minds this is “foolishness” but as believers, it is but Wisdom. It is a Mystery! A Mystery which Jesus clearly taught, the Evangelists recorded and the Church defined as a dogma of Christian faith at the Councils of Nicaea (325 A.D.) and Constantinople (381 A.D.).

It is a Mystery which we live in our daily lives as Catholics. Whenever we begin our prayers, we do so in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and end glorifying the Trinity. When it comes to the Sacraments all of them are administered in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit! Blessings are given in the Name of the Holy Trinity.

It is a Mystery we see in the New Testament:

First at the Annunciation, God the Father sends His angel to Mary, God the Holy Spirit comes upon her, the Power of the Most High overshadows her, and God the Son becomes incarnate in her womb  -  [The Trinity].

Then at the baptism of Jesus, when the Son receives baptism from John the Baptist, the Father’s Voice is heard, and the Holy Spirit appears as a Dove. [The Trinity]

Furthermore in John’s Gospel, chapters 15–18, Jesus teaches us the role of each Person of the Holy Trinity: the Father creates and provides for His creatures; God the Son redeems us and reconciles us with God. While God the Holy Spirit sanctifies us, strengthens us, teaches us, counsels us.

The great 20th-century Catholic theologian Father Karl Rahner, SJ [Born: March 5, 1904, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany and died March 30, 1984, Innsbruck, Austria], was once asked by a priest friend how he should explain the Holy Trinity when preaching. Father Rahner’s reply was simple: “Don’t!” The mystery we celebrate in today’s feast defies not only explanation but also comprehension

What matters for a believer is what the Holy Trinity does in one’s everyday life. He abides in us, is the Source of our hope, courage and strength, is our final destination.

So as we celebrate this great Solemnity, let us live it instead of “thinking” it. No amount of examples and theories will make us understand the Mystery. But we will have a lot to gain if we call upon the Father our creator and provider, and follow Jesus our redeemer and reconciler as we open ourselves to be filled by the Holy Spirit who will  sanctify, strengthen and counsel us. This has happened to many, many of our fore fathers and mothers in the faith!

May God the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit, be with you and take you through the hard times we are experiencing.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Amen. 




















Sat 06, Jun 2020 22:06 pm



Greetings dear parishioners. May the blessings of almighty God descend upon you and remain with you.

I am not going to ask you are coping with  “Stay Home”! For starters you will not answer my question since you do not write back, and secondly I know most of you will say it is “killing us”!! Well we can only wait for what the powers that be, are going to tell us next. Meanwhile can these words of an old hymn bring a ray of light to you? (Text by Isaac Watts, & Music by William Croft; 18th Century).

O God, our help in ages past,
Our hope for years to come,
Our shelter from the stormy blast,
And our eternal home.

Beneath the shadow of thy throne,
Thy saints have dwelt secure;
Sufficient is thine arm alone,
And our defense is sure.

Such words always bring me hope, give me strength and give answers  to all, and I say all, my questions. I know: God will make a way where there seems to be no way.  Try my way and you will see how all the storms within you will be calmed down.

You will remember that on 20th March, our first confirmed Coronavirus case was reported. From then to today when I am writing this piece, we have hit the 200 mark!! (Actual number 203, and of course numbers keep on changing…..). That is not good news  and it is fertile ground for bringing  desperation to some. However, with all due respect, desperation and all that goes with it, even if we stand on our heads or jump from a fourteen floor balcony, will not bring us any light. Only tuning our ears to the One with all the answers, will make us sober down and make us begin to say:_______ “Sufficient is thine arm alone,
And our defense is sure.” that is the way to surviving the “STAY AT HOME” period.

Have I thanked those of you who have used all possible channels, under the circumstances, to streng-then others during these difficult times? I do not think so. So thank you all of you who are doing all they can to assure us that we are not at the end of the road. I thank most especially those using NAGGULU CHURCH PROJECT and KAMU KAMU WhatsApp. Thank you, thank you, thank you. To these I add all those who are strengthening us and keeping us going here at the presbytery. We are most grateful to you brothers and sisters for your spiritual and material support, may God continue to uphold you. 

I take this opportunity to appreciate the contribution of the  people here at the church. They are doing a lot to see that our church area remains clean and well looked after. Maria Namubiru does not only make sure that everybody staying here eats well cooked meals but also teams up with people like Helen and Ivan to  ‘garden’ around flower beds, hedges etc… something which has kept us reasonably ‘clean’. Then on top of that, Ivan regularly sweeps the many leaves that continually and stubbornly fall from the trees around our compound. In all this, George Bogere is always behind the scenes to put his gift of “buyiiya” in practice.

Regarding our liturgy. Maria Salome Kirabo, is doing wonders! Talk of the worship space, requisites for the celebrations and leading the singing….. she is there. And now comes the best part, we’ve been looking for someone to be in charge of the Ministry of Worship Environment, now I am not searching any more. George has proved himself the man! This is one good outcome of the lockdown! When preparing the worship space (decoration etc…), he teams up with Kirabo and they come out with many surprises! While still on liturgy, mention must be made of Musomesa Immaculate, who makes sure that all Masses requested are well registered and said. She is always ready to take the readings during Mass, and adds her voice to the singing. Seminarian Odiya plays his part in the liturgy as expected (serving, reading and singing). 

Lastly, there is Peter, whose hand touches all touchables! From askari to “key-boardist” during our liturgy, driver etc……

As usual I say, hang on in there; be still and know that God is our God! Amen.



Sat 16, May 2020 21:05 pm



In his song, LORD TEACH US TO PRAY, Joseph Wise —— (an American song writer and painter, who has published over 19 albums of Christian songs and was born in 1939) — says the following in the refrain:

Lord, teach us to pray,

It’s been a long and cold December kind of day.

With our hearts and hands all busy in our private little wars,

We stand and watch each other now from separate shores.

We lose the way.

Today, as we hear Jesus telling his followers that he is the way, the words of Joseph Wise are a reminder that in order not to lose that WAY, we must learn how to pray. Knowing how to pray is the door to finding and remaining on the way.

No doubt we are always saying that we are with Jesus, that we are on the way. We are with him when we read or listen to the word of God, in the Eucharist at Mass or during adoration, when we are gathered in prayer, in our neighbors, in the suffering, the sacraments and many other ways as we journey towards our rooms in the Father’s house; but we very often do not feel that warmth of walking with Jesus.  We do not experience him. We keep it mostly at the mind level!

This results in making ourselves very busy in private matters and standing on one shore with our struggles while we watch our brothers and sisters on another shore, struggling with theirs. We consequently end up getting lost!

If we learn to pray, if Christ the WAY teaches how to pray, then we shall recognize and actually experience him everyday. We shall move from sitting before the Blessed Sacrament and saying: “Lord Jesus you are in that sacred host”;  to saying: “My Jesus I feel your presence before me…….”. We shall move from saying “Lord Jesus, you said that you are in this suffering individual”; to saying: “My Jesus here before me, I want to touch you and do something good for you”.

To learn to pray and therefore avoid losing the way, will certainly mean abandoning our private little wars and coming together as one sheep-fold following the WAY.

Joseph wise, in one of the stanzas of the mentioned song says the following:

I stand so safe and sterile as I watch a man fall flat.

I’m silent with a man who’d like to know just where I’m at.

With the aged and the lonely I can barely tip my hat.

I need to see the sin of “I don’t care.”

With the present situation, when we are threatened by the Coronavirus, when some think that there is no way it is going to get to them, and others think that the danger has been overcome; we should learn how to pray: and that will mean recognizing Jesus who is everywhere with us and following him as he leads us. It means seeing the sin of I don’t care. It means giving some assistance, no matter how small, to our neighbor. It means leaving our comfort zones, areas where we feel safe, and making sure that we give our brothers and sisters a hand in their struggles. This will ultimately mean that these days, before you act,  please consider the others!!!! May be you do not fear the virus, but what about the ones you may take it to? Or what about those you may bring it back to from wherever you will have picked it up!! Oh! You say you are strong, that even if you catch it, you will get well by and by? But have you considered your neighbor who may not be as strong as you are? Please do not “stand so safe and sterile as you watch a man fall flat”.

Jesus is the way. As Joseph Wise says: do not LOSE THE WAY! See the sin of I don’t care and avoid it; and you will have contributed a lot to the winning of the Coronavirus pandemic battle.

We must not: “Stand and watch each other now, from separate shores”.


Sat 09, May 2020 19:05 pm



Beloved Parishioners,

I hope “the termites are still raising the alarm for you!” Here at the presbytery we are still breathing. At the beginning of the week we have just ended, a young man came to the parish with three trays of eggs as a donation for our upkeep. Do not accuse him of attempted murder, he was just giving his offering and made sure we did not gather around him to receive the offering. Thank you very much my dear young man. This is what I always refer to in my weekly messages; namely, that generous spirit which a number of you have exhibited. We shall always be grateful.

Have we entered our fourth week of  STAY AT HOME? I have sort of lost count, but since this is my fourth message then it is the fourth week. Hang on in there, help is on the way. I get encouraged when I see on the News, a number of people who had tested positive being discharged after they have gotten well. I salute the Doctors and all medical personnel who are working tirelessly to make this possible. That we have not yet had a recorded death due to the pandemic, is even more reason for us to thank our ever caring God. Thank you Father.

I have just said, help is on the way; indeed it is. On this Sunday when the Gospel of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus is read, we find ourselves on the same road. Like the two disciples, we are also going away from Jerusalem, disappointment written all over many of our faces. A number of us thought that following Jesus Christ our Lord, meant “liberation”: like getting out of poverty, the promise of well paying jobs, being cured of all sorts of ailments, living in harmonious families, raising up obedient children, living among friendly and caring neighbors, enjoying freedom of worship, building up firm Christian Communities and so on and so forth. However, things have turned out differently. Now we find ourselves walking away from Jerusalem to Emmaus for we do not understand what Jerusalem is offering us.

But help is on the way! Jesus joins us as we walk away, and if we let him, he will help us look beyond what blinds us: things like, daily work,  worries, doubts, confusion and fear. Though we may not recognize him at first, he will not be a stranger to us for long. He will soon be to us the true risen Lord among us. It is very important that we let him walk with us and listen to what he has to say (read the word of God meditate upon it and seek its wisdom). This will open our eyes of faith and make us understand the real purpose of his coming on earth and dying on the cross. It will slowly dawn on us that he came that we may have life to the fullest. ____ Something we shall achieve only when all is accomplished in him.

We shall then be able to face the world boldly and like St. Peter, speak to anyone without fear:

‘Brothers, ….God raised this man Jesus to life, and all of us are witnesses to that. Now raised to the heights by God’s right hand, he has received from the Father the Holy Spirit, who was promised, and what you see and hear is the outpouring of that Spirit.’ [Acts 2:32ff]

That Holy Spirit, whom he shares with us, who transformed Peter and his companions from timid followers of  Christ to courageous  men ready to lay down their lives for him, is the same Spirit that transforms us. If we let Christ walk with us, if we listen meditatively to his word, we shall have nothing else to say except “stay with us Lord”. As sure as he is alive, when the Coronavirus pandemic comes to an end and is no more, when we can celebrate Mass together, we shall most surely recognize him at the breaking of the bread.

Let him walk with you to Emmaus.



Sat 25, Apr 2020 21:04 pm



Dear parishioners of Our Lady and St. Jude Parish Naggulu,

Most of you have participated in the liturgy of the Easter Triduum through Television. Unthinkable! Those are the times we are living in. On Good Friday, you must have seen a cross covered with a red cloth being held up at the entrance of the nave (the area for the congregation). Part of the cross was unveiled and the following was proclaimed by the celebrating priest: “Behold the Wood of the Cross on which hung the salvation of the world,” the same was repeated at the center of the church; and in the front just before you enter the sanctuary. Then the very few participants came up to venerate the cross that brought us salvation. The congregation responded: “Come let us adore”  (Of course we know this from our annual celebration of Good Friday, only this time we were just watching it).

On Easter Vigil,  the Easter Candle was brought into the darkened church. It’s light illuminating the church.  In the same three places where the cross was unveiled, the priest proclaimed: “Light of Christ,” and the very few present responded, “Thanks be to God.” _______The One who hung upon the cross has brought light to a world suffering in its own darkness.

I would like to wish you a Happy Easter. I know that in the present situation here and all over the world, this may sound ridiculous (a Happy Easter?). Yes, it is the reality of life  yesterday, today and tomorrow. The symbolism of the cross and Candle I have just referred to above, brings out the picture of this life of ours. As we walk in the valleys of darkness, along comes Jesus Christ the light of the world  and shines his light among us, so we can walk along the path that leads to eternal happiness without getting lost.

Therefore again I say, Happy Easter! Although we are going through tough times, we hope for better times ahead, because our Lord accepted to shoulder all our troubles when he carried his cross and was crucified on it. On that cross hung the salvation of the world. On that cross hung your life and mine. From the cross came the candle, which shone in the darkness of our. The same one who was crucified, is the one who lights our world…. Because of his Resurrection, we too are assured of our resurrection.

Remember the symbolism; the three places where the cross was revealed are the three places where the Light of Christ is proclaimed.  In a real sense, those are two aspects of one act.  Joining Christ on the Cross, suffering with Him, results in living in His Light.

Today when all of us are in pain in some way or other, but most especially because of the threat of Covid-19; instead of focusing on ourselves, let us unite our pain to Jesus’ pain. Our concern is for others.   Our own suffering, which could turn us into ourselves, instead, through the grace of God, leads us to care for those hurting more than us.  This is how our union with the Lord on the Cross become our union with His Light, our union with His Life.  Good Friday and Easter Sunday are manifestations of God’s Love for us and our love for God. We need to unite the crosses to the candle. 

Finally, I would like to thank you all for being there for us here at the church. We have received lots of support from many of you, both materially and spiritually. Thank you very much for your concern for your priests. We shall continue to pray for you that we all get out of these hard times feeling stronger.

Have a blessed Easter.


Sat 18, Apr 2020 12:04 pm

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