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Current Affairs and News from Naggulu Catholic Parish




My dear parishioners of Naggulu Parish and all devotees to St. Jude Thaddeus, I cordially greet you; the Lord is risen “Alleluia!, Alleluia!”  As your newly appointed Pastor , today I feel very joyful that I am communicating to you through this platform for the first time.

It was on the 01st of February 2021 when I officially stepped on the soils of Naggulu Parish as the newly appointed Parish Priest taking over from my immediate predecessor the late Rev. Fr. Godfrey Kyeyune, Snr (RIP). May he rest in eternal peace. I would like to thank you all for the warm welcome that you accorded me that evening. 

I wish to appreciate my predecessors, both living and deceased for their dedication to serving and growing  of Naggulu Parish in all aspects. It is because of their selfless and tireless efforts that Naggulu Parish is what it is today. For those that have passed on to the next life, may they share in the life after with the risen Lord.

Today, is exactly two months and four days since I assumed office. It has been a time to learn and study how things are done around here and I am still learning. Among the things I am supposed to lead is the construction of the new church. I wish to thank each one of you for your continued contributions, i.e., financial, technical and prayers. May the Almighty God richly bless you all. I have faith and confidence that through the intercession of our Patron Saints; Our Lady of Perpetual Help and St. Jude Thaddeus, we shall accomplish this project successfully.

Our Lenten journey, and all the ceremonies of the three Great Days of our faith, the Paschal Triduum, are now behind us. Let us rejoice and be glad, not because we have finally come to the end of a period of mortification and self-discipline, but because we now see more clearly what the suffering, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ brings to all who share in it. By dying he has destroyed our death and by rising restored our life. Death has no power over Him anymore and by extension, it cannot subdue us, His followers.

Naggulu Parish is a multicultural Parish. May the presence of the risen Lord in our midst cement our appreciation of one another, bring to the fore the numerous gifts found in every culture and help us to build a vibrant and united Parish. United with Mother Mary and St. Jude, may we remain strong in faith.

I and my brother Priests here at Naggulu wish you all a happy and blessed Easter.


Sun 04, Apr 2021 11:04 am



From Saturday 06th March to Sunday 14th March 2021, we shall have our first national novena to St. Jude for the year 2021.

1. The main Mass for the novena will be broadcast live on Radio Maria Uganda, daily at 1PM.

2. Then, for those who can come to Naggulu, the novena will be said in the morning as here below:

a) At 6:20A. M, novena prayer, followed by Mass at 6:30A.M.

b) The usual 7A.M Mass, followed by the novena prayer at 7:30 A. M.

3. On Sunday 07th March, will be the 2nd day of the novena. That day, the mass of the novena will be at 7A.M. It will be live on Radio Maria.

4. The Last day (9) of the novena will be Sunday 14th March. Mass that day will be at 10AM. It will be on Radio Maria.

Please share this program with a friend. We wish you a fruitful journey with St Jude Thaddeus.


Sat 06, Mar 2021 10:03 am



The Holy Season of Lent will begin with Ash - Wednesday on 17th February 2021. We shall have the following Masses on Ash Wednesday:

At 6:15 A.M (Here at Church)

At 7:00 A.M (Here at Church )

At. 10:00 A.M (For students)

At. Midday  (In Nakawa Market)

At 1:00 P.M here at Church

At 3:00 P.M (at Naggulu Hospital)

At. 5:00 P.M ( Here at Church)



Mon 15, Feb 2021 14:02 pm



Following the demise of our former Parish Priest, Rev.Fr.Godfrey Kyeyune , Snr. on 13th December 2020; the Archbishop of Kampala, The Most Reverend Dr. Cyprian Kizito Lwanga, has appointed Rev.Fr.Joseph Mary Bbuye as our new Parish Priest here at Naggulu.

Father reported for duty on 01st February 2021. We welcome him.

Previously, he served as Administrator at Sacred Heart Cathedral Lubaga, Paster at Kansanga, and Bbiina Parishes, all of Kampala Archdiocese. 

Wed 03, Feb 2021 16:02 pm



Last Sunday, 24th January 2021, we were privileged as Naggulu Parish to receive the statue of the Mother of the Word – Our Lady of Kibeho. We shall host her up to the 28th of February, 2021.

Those of you who can make it here, please come and pray with the Mother of the Word, she is waiting for you. Those who are distant, she will still give you company wherever you are.

Thu 28, Jan 2021 14:01 pm



We wish to share with you the sad news of the death of our Parish Priest, Rev.Fr.Godfrey Kyeyune, Snr. Father was called to the Lord on 13th December 2020. He was laid to rest here at Naggulu on the 17th of December,2020. The requiem Mass for his send-off was led by The Most Rev.Dr.Cyprian Kizito Lwanga, Archbishop of Kampala. 

On the 13th of January,2021, it will be exactly a month since Father passed on. To mark that date, we have started a novena to pray for Father's soul and the souls of all our departed relatives and friends. The novena is running from the 4th to the 13th of January,2021. The novena starts daily at 5:00 PM ( E.A.T) with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the Holy Rosary, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and Holy Mass. 

This novena is streamed live on our Facebook page: Our Lady and St. Jude Parish Naggulu.


Tue 05, Jan 2021 13:01 pm

Activities for the Advent Season at Naggulu Parish

Activities for the Advent Season at Naggulu Parish

1. Celebration of the Eucharist

Daily Masses  -  Monday to Friday [6:30 a.m.; 7:00 a.m.; 1:00 p.m.], Saturdays [6:30 a.m.; 7:00 a.m.;] with Advent homilies/reflections/exhortations.

Sunday Masses — the usual Sunday programme. Follow the homilies as we walk the Advent journey.  

2. Advent Wreath

Our Advent wreath, which has been blessed on this first Sunday of Advent, will remain in position for the entire Season. Make use of this symbol.

3. Holy hour with Vespers

Every Thursday evening (5:30 p.m.) there will be an exposition of the blessed sacrament, as is always the case, for an hour. During the exposition we shall:

- recite psalms, listen to the word of God and have exhortations/reflections with Advent themes.

The hourly service before the Blessed Sacrament will be preparing us to be awake as we wait in joyful expectation for the coming of our Saviour Jesus Christ as Emmanuel (God with us) and as one who comes to judge the living and the dead.

We shall be therefore expected to progress towards renunciation of all ways which prevent us from receiving Jesus when he comes in our lives.

4. Penance

Although this is not a penitential season, all the same as a way of giving a chance to as many faithful as possible who would like to make their peace with God during this season of Advent, we shall retain our normal Saturday morning confessions (7:30 a.m.) and also encourage everyone to use any available opportunity to request for the Sacrament of Penance.

5. Visiting the Sick and Elderly

The Liturgy leaders and the Good Samaritans will team up to visit the sick and elderly in our communities.

We are all encouraged to be part of this arrangement. You can either point out a sick/elderly person, donate something for these people or join the team as they make the visits. It is also praised worthy to make your personal programme of visiting an elderly or a sick person in your community.

May the Season of Advent 2020, prepare us to joyfully meet Our Lord when he comes.


Tue 01, Dec 2020 10:12 am



Mr. Francis Xavier Kitaka loved St. Jude Thaddeus and he promoted the devotion to this Saint wherever he went, whether in Uganda or abroad. Mr. Kitaka rarely missed attending the novena to this Saint here at Naggulu. This made him part of Naggulu. He always said that this saint was his Lawyer.

"As a devotee of St. Jude Thaddeus, he did not think about his personal interests only, but he also catered for the wellbeing of his fellow devotees and gave his unreserved support to the development of the National shrine of St. Jude, which is at the same time our parish church. He was so determined to see that we build a magnificent shrine for St. Jude that he accepted to be the Chairman of the Building Committee and played that role very well. So his passing away is a big blow to St. Jude’s devotion in Uganda and to Naggulu Parish as well. " Rev. Fr. Godfrey Kyeyune - Parish Priest, Naggulu.

May Mother Mary and St. Jude intercede for him to God. 

Mon 21, Sep 2020 13:09 pm



Dear Parishioners,

I almost got the temptation of letting my faith waver, when I asked myself whether it was relevant, during our present situation, to say “I am a Catholic and happy about IT —  Rejoicing in our Catholic practices”!!

I certainly had begun to sink, then my guardian angel helped me to cry out to Jesus: ‘Lord! Save me!’  Jesus put out his hand and at once and held me. His hand was in the form of an Angel he sent me on Wednesday last week (of course not literally) when we went to Mulago ICU. As we were alighting from the lift on the 5th floor, there was somebody in an orange body bag, on one of those infamous trolleys, waiting to be taken down. We went out, the trolley went in. Somebody had just succumbed to cancer and we were going for cancer treatment! One day we shall be in some sort of body bag whenever that happens. May be ours will not be an orange body bag, but we shall be covered in something and be carried until we get lowered down, down, down.

The hand of Jesus - the Angel (again not literally) was telling me; man of little faith why did you doubt? Should you not be happy that you are a Catholic? That you believe that your friend who is going down in that orange body bag, has just passed on? He/she (I did not ask whether it was a man or woman) has to go through that in order to be alive forever. You are blessed that this is your belief or don’t you believe thus any more. Are you not ashamed that you do not find the relevance of writing the Parishioner column because of the present hard times?

Jesus rescued me, and I resolved to go ahead with the column and even tell those who read it that Covid-19 or whatever circumstances, I am happy to be a Catholic who believes in the hereafter and who believes in purgatory. That even if I am put in an orange body bag, with some purification to undergo so that I may achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven, for nothing unclean goes to heaven (Rev. 21:27), I will still be on my way no matter how long it takes. (CCC 1030). I am happy to be rooted in that doctrine. That even when I go in a body bag with my mortal sins forgiven, there may be still many impurities in me, specifically venial sins and the temporal punishment due to sins already forgiven. Why not rejoice that I firmly believe that?

After seeing my Doctor, as I was sitting in the room where various drugs are administered to us, just in front of me, lying on a bed was a man. This man is battling cancer too. I looked at his arms, there seems to be not a single muscle left on them. He could not turn on the bed, he had to be assisted by his attendant who was a lady. When he wanted to go out for one reason or another, I saw the lady lift up this man and carried him in her arms like a baby!

The Angel was still active. You can still walk and sit in a chair for your drug, but he has to be carried like a baby? And you say you should not rejoice that as Catholic you know that these are stages of your life? Even when you get to that stage, it will be like Jesus demonstrated to Peter, James, and John at the transfiguration, that you go through suffering to get to glorification.

I thank Jesus for putting out his hand for all whose faith is being challenged during the Corona virus pandemic, and manage to cry out “Lord save me”. Some of these could save a shilling or two by not giving anything to us here at the presbytery, but they give something to keep us going. A bunch of matooke, posho, rice cooking oil, blue and, soap name it. Others are so keen on giving their tithe! May God bless you all. I am sure many are continually praying for us.

I ‘saw’ the  Lord and promise you that you will also see him. If you feel you are sinking? You know what to do.

I wish you a great week, which we shall end with a great celebration; The Assumption of the B.V. Mary. May she intercede for us that our faith may not weaver.          






Sun 09, Aug 2020 08:08 am



Dear Parishioners,

Welcome to another week. What a week we’ve just ended! Of course it has not been far different from the other weeks of these Covid-19   pandemic times. But a number of sad and joyful things have happened close to us as Naggulu Pariah Community, which are worth mentioning.

On Saturday 25th July, as we were preparing to begin the week, our Choir Director Mr. Charles Dickens Awany and Ms Victoria Awono a chorister of the Evangelical Choir, were married in Holy Matrimony at St. James Bbiina Parish. We reported this in our issue of 26/07/2020. I once again say congratulations Charles and Victoria.  May God bless your married life today, tomorrow and many, many years to come.

Then we celebrated the birthday of a very young youth patron, Marcella Ocwo on Wednesday 29th July. I pray for you Madam Patron that you continue celebrating many other birthdays. May God protect you from the  Corona virus and all evils threatening our lives today.

On a sad note, on that same day, we lost Mr. James Genza, a member of our community (from St. Kizito) who has been battling with a heart related condition for some time. May he rest in eternal  peace and may his family be consoled by the faith we all share, which makes us hope that one day we shall all be together singing “hosanna in the highest” in the heavenly kingdom.

Friday 30th July, dawned with our “CHURCH PROJECT TEAM” channel, awash with Feast Day best wishes to Rev. Fr. Ignatius Mbaziira. He was celebrating the feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola, his patron saint. I add my voice to the many in wishing you Father Mbaziira, God’s blessings in your ministry. Like St. Ignatius of Loyola, may you bring many to Jesus and be a sign of God’s mercy to all of us as we meditate on these words: "What will it profit a man to gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"

What a week! On the political scene, politicians seem to be more restless than ever. We here of aspirants for political positions filling in forms for this or that positions. They want to be nominated and go out to canvass for votes. Men and women are busy strengthening their positions in their parties, while others are crossing from one party to another; and all are saying that they are doing this not for themselves but to be of service to their fellow brothers and sisters. Oh, that is wonderful!!

 More blessed to give than to receive

There was the beggar who sat at the temple gate every day, begging for his living. One day he heard that the King was coming to the Temple and he was all excited, sure that the king would give him enough alms so he wouldn’t have to beg any more. He eagerly awaited the arrival of the king but when the king came, the King did a strange thing. Instead of giving alms, he begged for alms himself. Perplexed, the beggar put his hand into his bag and reluctantly puts a few grains of rice into the king’s hands. Thanking him, the king departed, putting back to the beggar’s bag the grains he received, much to the disappointment of the beggar. At the end of the day the beggar returned home frustrated. But when he poured out the contents of his bag to check his day’s collection, to his great surprise, he discovered a few grains of gold among the rice. How he wished he had given more to the king! (Ravindra Nath Tagore; quoted by Fr. Botelho).( Fr. Tony

In the midst of all this, the words of Jesus are still relevant today as they were when he fed the thousands. “….give them something to eat yourselves”. Whatever we go through everyday, we are called upon to get out those five loaves and two fish from our stores, and feed the thousands.  Then every week will become meaningful to all of us as we become givers and not receivers.






Sat 01, Aug 2020 14:08 pm

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