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Current Affairs and News from Naggulu Catholic Parish



The youth apostolate in the recent years has been organizing pilgrimages in the different places in Kampala, such places include; Munyonyo Martyrs shrine now Basilica, in the footsteps of Amansi and Mapeera and Kiwamirembe Prayer Center where we go annually during the advent time.

For all these pilgrimages have not left us the same; a lot has been achieved, the lord has been glorified and we have increased more in faith. Pilgrimages help us to contemplate the good work our Lord has done, they help us reflect on the good things the Lord has done through his People. One of the notable benefits of our pilgrimages is the indulgence invoked for the participants at the end of the pilgrimage.

The apostolate has now grown to an extent where we now wish to do annual long-distance pilgrimages in the popular sites and places of The Church that are in far places, and we want to do this as an annual activity. For the start, considering the beautiful book ‘’KARAME’’ Authored by our Parish Priest, a lovely and passionate writer Rev. Fr. Godfrey Kyeyune, we choose to go to Kibeho Rwanda. We call upon all those that would want to join us to register and book with our treasurer Muber Gladys who is the person in charge of all Payments you can also reach the Parish Office for registration. We are charging a fee of 250,000 Ugandan shillings inclusive of all transportation, food, and accommodation, installments are welcome and bookings are made with an initial deposit, the deadline for bookings and registration is 5th September 2019. 

We shall be there for three days from 12th to 16th September 2019. As we have always been together on the near pilgrimages, let’s make it for this one too. Mind you, being organized by the youth apostolate doesn’t mean it’s for only youth. Everyone is welcome, whether young or old; remember Heaven is for all of us not only for the young and besides; it’s the same destination we all are striving to reach.

God bless you as always.


Wed 14, Aug 2019 14:08 pm