Activities for the Advent Season at Naggulu Parish

Activities for the Advent Season at Naggulu Parish

1. Celebration of the Eucharist

Daily Masses  -  Monday to Friday [6:30 a.m.; 7:00 a.m.; 1:00 p.m.], Saturdays [6:30 a.m.; 7:00 a.m.;] with Advent homilies/reflections/exhortations.

Sunday Masses — the usual Sunday programme. Follow the homilies as we walk the Advent journey.  

2. Advent Wreath

Our Advent wreath, which has been blessed on this first Sunday of Advent, will remain in position for the entire Season. Make use of this symbol.

3. Holy hour with Vespers

Every Thursday evening (5:30 p.m.) there will be an exposition of the blessed sacrament, as is always the case, for an hour. During the exposition we shall:

- recite psalms, listen to the word of God and have exhortations/reflections with Advent themes.

The hourly service before the Blessed Sacrament will be preparing us to be awake as we wait in joyful expectation for the coming of our Saviour Jesus Christ as Emmanuel (God with us) and as one who comes to judge the living and the dead.

We shall be therefore expected to progress towards renunciation of all ways which prevent us from receiving Jesus when he comes in our lives.

4. Penance

Although this is not a penitential season, all the same as a way of giving a chance to as many faithful as possible who would like to make their peace with God during this season of Advent, we shall retain our normal Saturday morning confessions (7:30 a.m.) and also encourage everyone to use any available opportunity to request for the Sacrament of Penance.

5. Visiting the Sick and Elderly

The Liturgy leaders and the Good Samaritans will team up to visit the sick and elderly in our communities.

We are all encouraged to be part of this arrangement. You can either point out a sick/elderly person, donate something for these people or join the team as they make the visits. It is also praised worthy to make your personal programme of visiting an elderly or a sick person in your community.

May the Season of Advent 2020, prepare us to joyfully meet Our Lord when he comes.


Tue 01, Dec 2020 10:12 am