The Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, has forced us to celebrate another Lenten Sunday in our homes. Our cherished six Sunday Masses at Our Lady and St. Jude are still a no go. Is there anyone who ever thought this would be happening in our lifetime? Very doubtful. We need to get out of this problem. so wherever you are spending these weeks of “stay at home”, adhere to the guidelines given by our civil and religious leaders.

As it is, we are not alone, there are many like us across the globe. Isn’t this is a wake-up call.? If we did not know, it is beginning to dawn on us, that we are like the little finger of our hand; the smallest of the five. So are we in relation to God and his mighty hand. Hopefully, this will set many of us on a reflection course and begin to seriously put ourselves in our proper position as we let God be where He must be; _________above all.

I have been doing some reflection myself. God is indeed above all. This is how the psalmist puts it:

“A mighty God is the Lord, a great king above all gods. In his hands, are the depths of the earth; the heights of the mountains are his. To him belongs the sea, for he made it, and the dry land shaped by his hand” (Ps. 95:3-5).

As my reflection went over those words from Psalm 95, I began to hum that famous hymn/song  -  ‘He’s got the whole world in his hand’. The truth of it all became clearer and clearer in my mind and sank deeper and deeper in my heart. What did I not see?

Nations were busy strengthening their economies, sports bodies strictly carrying on their regular events, businessmen and women looking for ways of making profits and expanding their investments, pastors ministering to their flocks, schools trying to go through syllabuses in time and families doing their best to be happy, etc……….: when a submicroscopic pathogen (virus) invisible to our naked eyes, struck. And when it struck, we all began to be shaken one by one, group by group and country by country. Nations started to get on their knees slowly by slowly, those who thought it would not affect them, soon realized that the bug was serious and very powerful! As in the days of Noah, so it was with us; some heard or saw what was happening elsewhere but continued with life as usual. They said they would either stop the virus from coming their way or destroy it in a matter of days. They dared it to step a foot in their territories and taste the venom of their scientific discoveries.

It is obvious that those with such or similar ideas about the virus were totally wrong. The invisible pathogen is visible everywhere in the hospitalized and the dying, the masked faces, grounded airlines, closed borders, collapsing economies and closed places of worship; just to mention but a few.

We are trying to find a solution to the problem, and no doubt by and by, we shall do so. But by that time a lot of damage will have been done! Many of us will have gone. Time to accept that we have our limitations, and to recognize that there is One who is above all -  One to whom we must bow and bend low; One who made us and to whose pasture we belong; One who leads us by his hand; One whose voice we must listen to and never harden our hearts when we hear the message.

During this fifth week of Lent, we continue to pray that Jesus Christ who was sent to make known the ONE who is above all;  he who rebuked the winds and sea; and there was a dead calm, is with us during the storm of Covid-19. no need to panic we only need to let go of our pride, have faith in him and wait for his move.



Sat 28, Mar 2020 15:03 pm