"And to us, A Son is Given," Merry Christmas to you dear Parishioners of our Lady and St. Jude.

I extend warm Christmas greetings to you all, dear Parishioners, warm and fraternal greetings go to our Parish Priest Rev, Fr. Joseph Mary Bbuye, and thank him for the great pastoral work amongst us and his flock. We feel proud that we have evidenced increased evangelization due to his energy and effort to reach out to all. Last year's number of Christmas baptisms numbered 163 Children, and this year the number registered is already over 80 children. On Holy Family Sunday, the parish Priest waived the Church fees for all the Naggulu Parishioners who will get married in the year 2025. This is a manifestation of the growing Church under his stewardship.

We also thank Our Curate Rev. Fr. Marvin Lukyamuzi "the smiling Priest", full of energy and Charisma, who has drawn both the youth and old; Local and International Christians back to Naggulu. We congratulate him on the successful hosting of Our Children on Holy Innocents Day which was held on Saturday 28th December. We feel proud to have him and may God continue to strengthen him in the New Year and head forth.

My appreciations also go to the Parish Council members and the Sabakristus of our Small Christian Communities (SCC). Allow me to mention them: Mr. Amuko Sylvesto - St Anthony, Maama Florence Kyomugisha - St. Charles Lwanga, Ms. Nyangoma - St. Gonzaga; Mrs Betty - Atim- St Kizito; Maama Namugga - St Jude Nakawa Market; Mrs. Namatovu - St. Ponsiano, and St. Balikuddemb – Hon. Margaret Zziwa (caretaker). We thank you for the tireless efforts of mobilizing our fellow Catholics and people of goodwill to fulfill their obligations as Catholics and for the support towards the Construction of Our new Church. We underscore the commitment by the Parish Executive and the Building Committee who have gone to every length to ensure that the building of the Church moves on schedule with every detail of professional requirement ensured. Thank you Mr. Sebalu Kyompitira the Deputy Sabakristu and the Chair Building Committee along with the members of the Building Committee, for the dedication and commitment. They meet every Wednesday to assess the progress and undertake specific tasks. We have set targets, and funds allow, but we still live within our targets. We are on course to put the Roof on the Church Structure by the coming Easter 2025. With Mother Mary and St Jude, we shall achieve this target.

Allow me to recognize and appreciate all the Departments and Committees who stand out to the service of the Parish; from the Sacristans, and the Catechists, to the Liturgy Department including the Choirs and the Teaching Office. You have done great to support the parishioners to deepen our faith and to love our God.

The Governing office which takes the lead and puts together the plans and programs for the Parish equally doing an incredible job. The effectiveness, pride stature, and success of our programs greatly heavily depend on this department. Thank you Sabakristus and the Treasurers for all the activities that bring in finances to support the activities of the Parish, and cater for upkeep, utilities, and general maintenance. We acknowledge with appreciation The Tithe and the other resource mobilization activities during the Sundays and the St. Jude Novenas, the “Kamu – kamu” Drive, and the Special Envelopes have greatly boosted the financing of many key activities including the Church Construction. We thank the Parish Treasurer Mr. Lukyamuzi Musoke, the Parish Administrator Mr. Olupot, and the front-line staff of the Parish, for their precision in handling the church finances.

During the year, we have benefitted a lot from the category Ministries like Children’s' Ministries, the Xaverians the Altar servers, and the Youth, who continue to support the multi-layer activities in the Parish. The Xaverians made the Christians Menger and decorated the whole Church. They ushered the pilgrims during the Novenas and even for Namugongo. The Youth support the ushering and some are Choir members and have remained steadfast in their calling. The Children's Ministry has continued evangelizing with their Citation of the Rosary every first Saturday of the month. We thank Brother Kasimiro Olwenyo for his stewardship, suffice to say that even other teams like the Everyday Mass Parishioners (6.30 am, 7 am, and I pm} have been such a committed group of parishioners supporting the construction efforts of the Church. I applaud their dedication despite the -fact that many have their home Parishes, but they equally share in this responsibility and they all effectively contributed towards the Pillar each (27m), and now they have embarked on the square meter Challenge. We thank the Sabakristus who led in the mobilization, Eng. Tony Kavuma, Mr.Maurice Barigye, and Ms. Kirabo continue to pray that God blesses them.

As the New Year 2025 dawns on, we look at it with enthusiasm, thanking God for all the blessings in this previous year, knowing that our plans and aspirations are always validated by God.

Our biggest aspiration is to Roof and Complete our Church. This is said to be one of the best Churches in East and Central Africa. We shall continue to work on our statistics of the Parishioners, we call on you to register in the Parish office or with your Sabakristus in the SCC. We call upon each member of the Parish to continue committing money for the Roofing of the Church through the available Channels; One square meter Challenge Envelope, Kamu kamu drive, One Decra pledge card, and direct contributions. Call on friends and family to give us support. The information can be found on our Website or at the Parish Office. Every Coin matters. Make sure that your name appears in the St. Jude Record Book of Blessing at the foot of the Altar. 

The Parish is in the process of making the Parish Strategic Plan to enable us to identify the synergies that will be the engine for further growth and development of our Church. We call on you to give us more ideas on the important task of bolstering the finances for the Parish. Let us work harder in 2025 to heighten financial mobilization to achieve our goals.

 Our Priests will continue to come into our Communities to offer us sacraments and deepen our faith. We shall continue to facilitate them to minister to us at the community level to offer sacraments, like the anointing of the sick, the holy Eucharist, the Penance, and many others.

To those Challenged, the sick, and the vulnerable, the good Samaritan Ministry will continue to extend its charitable hand during this year so that we shall realize our dream

May the good Lord continue to guide us through this coming year. "We the Baptized, let us journey together in Union Participation and Mission.”


Margaret Nantongo Zziwa Babu (Rt. Hon Dr.)

Head of the Laity Our Lady & St. Jude Naggulu

Tue 07, Jan 2025 02:01 am