My dear parishioners of Naggulu, friends and devotees of St. Jude Thaddeus, Greetings and best wishes from the National Shrine of St. Jude Devotion.

Like it was last year (2020), because of the covid-19 pandemic, we have again had our novena remotely. We have not gathered here at the National Shrine to say our prayers as a family of devotees.

Nonetheless, I wish to congratulate you upon getting to this last and ninth day of this second annual National Solemn Novena to St. Jude Thaddeus.

My thanks go to all the Main celebrants: - Fr. Jude Kyekulidde, Fr. Joseph Kaseeta, Fr. Nyansio Mbaziira, and Fr. Bonaventure Ssebyanzi. Not to be left out is the concelebrant, Fr. Edward Muwanga.

I thank Radio Maria for broadcasting the novena Mass daily at 1:00 P. M. from here at National Shrine. I also wish to thank our social media team for streaming this Mass live, particularly through Facebook. May I extend another vote of thanks to Radio Sapientia for relaying this (recorded) Mass in the evenings for the spiritual benefit of those who for one reason or other, would not "attend” the Mass live.

The ‘General Secretary’ of the Devotion, Ms. Winnie Namatovu, the choir that led the liturgical singing during Mass and all the organizers on all levels also deserve a big thank you for a job well done. 

At the moment, we are living under challenging conditions that have been imposed onto us by covid-19. Many of us, our friends and relatives have suffered from this sickness in different ways. Some of our friends and relatives have lost jobs, have had their businesses closed and others have died. I wish to sincerely commiserate with you all during these desperate times. Most recently, we lost Mrs. Regina Naluyima Mukiibi Mugongo, a devotee to St. Jude and member of the Building Committee of Our Lady and St Jude City. She was laid to rest yesterday. To her and to all our departed dear ones, may the Lord show them His Merciful eyes and admit them to His right hand side.

Yes, we are in difficult, desperate and almost hopeless times. However; let us not forget the timeless promise of the Lord:" When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown... (Isaiah 43:2-4). This is an assurance from the Lord himself. This promise of the Lord's love is brought closer to us by St. Jude Thaddeus, the patron of all those who are desperate and hopeless (just like many of us today). The pain that we are going through is not permanent, it will last only for a moment; our God of great and timeless promises will deliver us from our pain at His appropriate time.

In spite of the difficult times that we find ourselves in, kindly permit me to make an appeal to all of you. For so many years as St. Jude devotees and friends of Naggulu Parish, we have been known to be compassionate to the needy (Bakateyamba). We have been donating assorted items; this time however, during this covid-19 lockdown, I wish to request you to support the needy with food. You may make your donation in cash or in-kind. As the headquarters of the devotion, we know where to direct the donations. I will be very grateful for your support towards the starving needy.

Let us continue to seek God's mercy through St. Jude Thaddeus. May God bless you all.

Rev. Fr. Joseph Mary Bbuye,

Parish Priest of Naggulu and National Director of St Jude Devotion

Tel: 0752 049 333 / 0787365640


Sat 10, Jul 2021 15:07 pm