Dear  people  of God,  it is with  exceeding  joy  that  we,  members   of the  Parish Council  of Naggulu, greet  you with  the  words  of the  Risen  Christ,  Peace be with you! the  same words which  he  pronounced  when  he  first  appeared   to  his  disciples  on the  evening  of the Resurrection!

This greeting  “Peace  be with  you”, was said three  times  by the  Risen Christ to his disciples, and each  time  Jesus greeted  them  with  these  words  he sought  to reassure  them when faced with a particular  threat.   

The above has implications  for each one of us;  as individual  Christians,  Christ’s  message of peace should  calm our personal  anxieties  and fears;  it should  assure  us that  we are able to rise above disappointments  and past  failures.   It should enable us to forgive ourselves, to forgive those who have hurt us and also seek to be reconciled with those we might have offended.

The message of Easter is equally relevant to us as Parishioners of Naggulu, it should give us the assurance that we are able to overcome every challenge we meet in our daily lives, if we look up to Jesus as our personal Saviour. The message of PEACE  encourages   us to put  an end to all immoral behavior,  it is a time  to turn  our backs to dishonesty,   indecency,   bribery   and corruption,  indiscipline,   disrespect   for  one another, gossip, domestic  violence and vengeance. 

This message  of Easter  must  help  us to turn  our efforts  in healing  the wounds  of division, reconciling  broken  families,   reuniting communities,    settling    disputes    among   people   of different   political   persuasions    and religious  faiths.  The message of the Risen Christ is not just his message to us; it is also our message to one another

Let us all embrace Peace, love of our neighbor, reconciliation and forgiveness; it has been a spiritually reflective journey of 40 days, culminating into Easter today! But it should not stop at that, we need to walk this same journey throughout our daily lives, stepping up our faith, through prayer, repentance and receiving the sacraments. But it is also very important to ensure that our faith is complimented and backed by kind hearts and acts of charity.

We cannot forget to thank our adorable Priests, led by our Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Godfrey Kyeyune, his Curates, Rev. Fr. Peter Byangwa and Rev. Fr. Joseph Kaseeta for always feeding our souls, most especially during this 40 days journey as we strive to open clean and fresh pages in our lives.

We wish to thank you so much for spiritually nourishing and guiding our souls to the great glory! We thank all the parishioners who individually participated in the special Church programmes during this time. We wish to thank our Catechist Sr. Immaculate Namakula and her team  selfless the Administrative staff, for their selfless support to the Clergy, the Good Samaritan Ministry who have visited, and comforted our sick and disadvantaged parishioners, the Parishioners who supported the Good Samaritans Ministry with finances and various items, the team that cleaned and beautifully decorated our Church. Thank you, Thank you to all of you and may God continue to bless you!

Once again, we say “Peace  be with  you!” and enjoy the Easter festive season!

Margaret Sheila Matovu: Ssabakristu, Naggulu Parish

Fri 26, Apr 2019 15:04 pm