Kampala Archdiocesan Day: Some facts about the Diocese

Kampala Archdiocesan Day: Some facts about the Diocese

Kampala is the result of territorial changes:

Victoria Nyanza Vicariate (1883)

The Vicariate Apostolic Victoria Nyanza was established by the Holy See in 1883 and was entrusted to the Missionaries of Africa commonly known as the White Fathers. Lubaga became the seat of the Bishop.

Upper Nile Vicariate (1894)

On July 13, 1894, the Holy See erected the Upper Nile Vicariate dividing it from Victoria Nyanza Vicariate and entrusted it to the Mill Hill Missionaries. Nsambya became the seat of the Bishop of that Vicariate. The name of Victoria Nyanza Vicariate was also changed to Vicariate Apostolic of Northern Victoria Nyanza.

Vicariate Apostolic of Uganda (1915)

After the erection of Vicariates in territories beyond the Nile on the southern side, the name of Northern Victoria Nyanza Vicariate was changed to the Vicariate of Uganda on Janaury 15, 1915.

Vicariate of Kampala

On June 10, 1948, the name of Upper Nile Vicariate was also changed to the Vicariate of Kampala which later became the Diocese of Kampala in 1953.

Archdiocese of Rubaga (1953-1966)

The Catholic Hierarchy in Uganda was established on March 25, 1953 and the Vicariates of Uganda became the dioceses of Uganda. Lubaga became an Archdiocese with 5 suffragan dioceses namely; Gulu, Masaka, Kampala, Mbarara and Tororo. The first Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Rubaga was Archbishop Louis Joseph Cabana WF (1947-1960) who died in retirement in 1981. He was succeeded by Archbishop Dr. Joseph Kiwanuka(1960-1965)

Archdiocese of Kampala (1966-)

On August 5, 1966, the Holy See joined together a section of the Diocese of Kampala and the Archdiocese of Rubaga to create the Archdiocese of Kampala. It was covering most parts of Central Uganda. His Grace Emmanuel K. Nsubuga (later Cardinal) was consecrated on 30th October 1966 to become the first Ordinary of the newly created Archdiocese of Kampala. He was elevated to the rank of Cardinal on 24 May 1976. He retired on 8 Feb 1990 and died on 20 April 1991. He was succeeded by His Eminence Emmanuel Cardinal Wamala (1990-2006). Since then, three other new dioceses have been created namely: Kiyinda-Mityana (August 21, 1981), Kasana-Luweero (December 16, 1996) and Lugazi (December 16, 1996).

The line of succession to the See of former Rubaga Diocese (Cathedral: Lubaga)

The Rt. Revs:

Leon Livinhac, W.F. (1883-1890) Jean Hirth, W.F (1890-1894) Guillermain, W.F. (1895-1897) Henry Streicher, W.F. (1897-1933)————John Forbes, W.F. (1918-26)(Co-adjutor) Edward Michaud, W.F. (1933-1945)————James Smith, W.F. (1945-1947),(Pro-Vicar) —————————— Louis Joseph. Cabana W.F. (1947-1960)———–———————Joseph Kiwanuka, W.F. (1961-1966)

The line of succession to the See of former Kampala Diocese (Cathedral at Nsambya)

The Rt. Revs:

Henry Hanlon, MHM (1894-1911) John Biermans, MHM (1912-1924)  John W Campling, MHM (1925-1937)————————————John Reesinck, MHM 1938-1947) Vincent Billington, MHM (1947-1966)

The line of succession to the See of the Archdiocese of |Kampala

His Eminence Emmanuel Cardinal Nsubuga (1966-1990)—————His Eminence Emmanuel Cardinal Wamala (1990-2006)——————The Most Reverend Dr Cyprian Kizito Lwanga (2006-)

Additional info:

Area: 3,644 km²;

Population: 1,740,000 Catholics (41.0% of 4,242,000 total) (2014)

Suffragan Sees:, Kasana Luweero  Kiyinda-Mityana, Lugazi, Masaka.

67 parishes, (2017), ( more or less 360 priests (288 diocesan, 72 religious), 951 lay religious (285 brothers, 666 sisters)…..

Source: Uganda Episcopal Conference.


Wed 31, Oct 2018 07:10 am