My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, the People of God in Naggulu Parish, accept my heartfelt greetings and congratulations as you celebrate your parish day. I call upon you, first and foremost to offer our deepest gratitude and praises to the Almighty God for the countless spiritual and material favors He has bestowed upon us all. Indeed, God deserves the glory and honor (Rev. 4: 11); for every good and perfect gift is from God, coming down from the Father (James 1: 17).

In a special way, I greatly thank you; Fr. Joseph Mary Bbuye, the Parish Priest, and all Priests with whom you serve, for your commitment, the pastoral zeal and  the fruitfulness in your entire Parish apostolate which are highly appreciated. Dear leaders, right from the Basic Christian Communities up to the leading Council of the Laity; thank you for the tremendous service of love that you are offering for our Mother Church.

Your theme of the day: “United with Love and Harmony (Col.3:14); Let us build Naggulu Parish’, rightly befits the day’s celebration.  When Jesus prayed for us in the Gospel of John, His primary desire was that we would all be one: “I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to You. Holy Father, protect them by the power of Your name – the name You gave Me – so that they may be one as We are one” (John 17:11). I encourage you with the desire of Christ to remain one, walking together in faith as a family of God, in love of one another and in unity to build Naggulu Parish.

Unity for believers ought to begin at the level of the family before it can truly characterize the Church. God created families and wanted them to be united. He gave many specific instructions to families, but above all to love the Lord. As we strive to become better Christians let us always endeavor to always remain united in Christ our head.

I entrust you all to the powerful intercession of your Patron Saint, St. Jude to intercede for your endeavors. Finally, I invite everyone to make every effort towards being witnesses of the Gospel both in our actions and words taking the example of Saint Jude your Patron Saint. I confer my Episcopal blessing upon all of you.

Paul Ssemogerere


Sun 30, Jun 2024 04:06 am