Justice and Peace / Ow’Obwenkanya n’Eddembe

  1. He/she shall endeavour to champion the campaign for justice and peace for all. 
  2. He/she shall exhort Catholics to get sensitized about their fundamental rights and freedoms so that they could fight for those rights and freedoms. 
  3. He/she shall exhort Catholics to respect other people's properties including one's life. 
  4. He/she is responsible for organizing courses and making programmes geared towards the fulfilment /implementation of the Department's goals. 
  5. He/she is responsible for sensitizing and guiding the Catholics about their responsibility to participate/involve themselves in politics with a Christian conscience based on the teaching of the Church. 
  6. He/she is responsible for reminding the Catholics of their duty as citizens to contribute, with the civil authorities, for the good of society in the spirit of love and service of one's country for the common good. 
  7. He/she shall exhort the Catholics to distance themselves from politics imbedded in corruption and fraudulent electoral systems. 
  8. He/she shall endeavour to educate the Catholics to be mindful of their rights and duties to use their vote wisely for the common good. 
  9. He/she shall teach the people to respect other people's views.
  10. He/she is responsible for teaching the Catholics that they are obliged in conscience to refuse obedience to civil authorities when their demands are contrary to moral order or to fundamental rights of persons or to the teaching of the Church. 
  11. He/she is obliged to teach the people that the Church has a moral obligation to guide the Government whenever the fundamental rights of persons or the salvation of one's soul are violated 
  12. He/she is responsible for teaching and reminding the Catholics of their obligations to infuse Christian principles and values into the society. 

Fri 20, Oct 2023 10:10 am