The Catechist/ Omusomesa
Shall exhort him/her to be of good behaviour, behaviour he/she exhorts those he/she serves to have, so that he/she may stand out as an exemplary figure, the light guiding them all.
As head of the Sub-Parish:
1. He/she should know that he/she is the chain (bridge) between the faithful of the Sub-Parish and the Parish Priest and the other Priest(s) at the Parish.
2. He/she should collaborate with both the Sub-Parish Pastoral Council and its Executive Committee.
3. Working closely with the Ssabakristu he/she shall coordinate all pastoral activities in every department.
4. He/she shall visit the Catholics in the Sub-Parish and shall register them and keep statistical data of the Sub-Parish.
5. He/she is in charge of Liturgy and leads liturgical services on Sundays and other Feast Days as well as liturgical services such as burials and last funeral rites.
6. He/she shall teach catechism to pupils/students in schools, those out of schools, and catechumens.
7. Collaborating with the married couples' council he/she prepares those intending to get married in church.
8. He/she instructs the parents whose children will be baptized. He/ she also prepares the children to receive their first Communion and the sacrament of Confirmation.
9. He/she prepares the sick desiring to receive the Sacraments before He/she sends for the priest.
Sun 24, Sep 2023 06:09 am