In-charge of Caritas/Omusituzi w’Embeera

i. He/she shall endeavour to identify the needs of the people in the area through interaction with them in order to discuss and find solutions to their problems. 

ii. He/she shall initiate programmes centred on teaching the people how to start and manage small profit-making projects using the material/ assets one has. 

iii. He/she shall encourage the people of the area to properly utilize their talents. 

iv. He/she shall endeavour to teach the people to work together, to trust such other and to be honest. 

v. He/she shall encourage the people to use land effectively such as growing food and cash crops, building houses on it, farming etc. 

vi. He/she shall assist the Catholics to fight against poverty and famine in their homes through initiation of poverty – eradication programmes that promote gender equality and empower women.

vii. He/she shall endeavour to assist women through programmes that promote gender equality and empower women. 

viii. He/she shall sensitize people about the environment and teach them how to protect the local environment. He should encourage every Catholic, right from the Basic Small Christian Community to the Parish, to plant trees and sustain all other environment protection programmes.

Sun 24, Sep 2023 12:09 pm